Bud blood


At what stage of flowering do you feed the blood ? Also do you give more than the one feed of it?

The more opinions the better !!!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
lets see here 0-39-25.......Why, and why when they say? That's simply too high a P&K at too early a time for me......Can you say yellowing from the bottom up.......

This is not the best place to bring up AN....Not a popular company in these parts....
It does work......BUT why do they have a shit load of different "bundles" at every increasing price and the claims of You start at the bottom and move up to (what is it at the top now? Eh, Kush level, what happened to "Grandmaster" level being the top? Musta made some new packaging of something and are giving overblown promise's from grandiose claims)....

I can do better with HESI or CANNA and spend less overall - even with not cheap Canna!



In the UK there is only 1 very popular option and it Is one of the best selling ptoducs.. I suppose it is pretty expensive but considering it is only fed once sometimes twice during a cycle it is pretty much worth the money


Well-Known Member
In the UK there is only 1 very popular option and it Is one of the best selling ptoducs.. I suppose it is pretty expensive but considering it is only fed once sometimes twice during a cycle it is pretty much worth the money
Whats the product your talking about?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Advanced Nutrients Bud Blood.....

@Nabzter Your missing the point......Your using something you don't need and in the end, isn't adding any significant yield result!!.....I bet I could do better with Hesi nutrients for FAR less cost...Or Canna.....

People buy into this AN thing for the stupid overblown claims they make about their products.....


I should of emphasised and explained I have done a side by side comparison with and without bud blood. For me the results sold the product. When using the bud blood the yield was not significantly higher however the buds were much denser and that was enough for me. A 15 pounds investment for something that lasts me for at least 3 crops is fine.

Besides this thread wasn't opened as a debate on what product to use but more for people who do use it. A question of how and when.


Much denser with a product use in the first week of flower only?
I grow autos and as you will know there lifespan are so short the don't have many feeds of nutes within their life cycles regardless.

Now please stop spamming the thread with off point comments


Well-Known Member
Why don't you read the bottle? I mean, you are pretty much getting a general census that AN sells a bunch of gimmick products to gullible people that fall for their claims. If you worship AN, and have already supposedly gotten noticeable results from it... why are you asking us how to use it?


Well-Known Member
Nabzter, well you turned your own thread into a pissing contest, good job!

Let me help you out. All AN products work, they are quality nutrients and Bud Blood is effective at what it was designed for. However, you are growing autos, right? You have no real use for this product as your not 'trying to induce flowering quicker' the plant is what determines when that happens.

At half strength it works fine with non-auto grows. I have some, but did not use it on my current grow, was testing out Bloom Khaos instead.


Well-Known Member
The best thing for the plant with that wacky NPK is bin it and put it down to a bad experience and learn from it.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I fucking love this place. OP; You could grow better buds with simpler nutrients, I betcha. Also, which brand of, or which specific nutrients aren't nearly as important to basic awesomeness as AN would like you to believe, just make sure they get what they need and don't overthink it. Popularity doesn't equal efficacy. Everyone falls for hype occasionally, and they do have nice label art.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I hear ya on the thread degradation.....

I'll say this to answer your question...
I wouldn't use it at the point they suggest. It can have a bad effect on the overall bloom period by raising the P&K too high to fast. Really so if you flip to the bloom nutes at the flip....

IF and I mean IF I was to hit my plants with a P&K value like that AND wanted the results you got and even better.....I might use it full strength - ONCE - at say the beginning of week 6. Maybe the middle of week 5....

The thing is,,,,,I can still do better with other makers products at far lower costs.....

I strongly suggest Hesi for synthetic nutrition.....I've tried out tons of makers products and still get stuff sent to me to try and then give them reports on....(till I tell them it's not what it's cracked up to be and I wouldn't buy it).

I have many makers on my "crap" list......Some are very popular too....That doesn't make them better or worth using....

I hate "hucksters" Like AN and H&G.....They work ok, to a point.....



I hear ya on the thread degradation.....

I'll say this to answer your question...
I wouldn't use it at the point they suggest. It can have a bad effect on the overall bloom period by raising the P&K too high to fast. Really so if you flip to the bloom nutes at the flip....

IF and I mean IF I was to hit my plants with a P&K value like that AND wanted the results you got and even better.....I might use it full strength - ONCE - at say the beginning of week 6. Maybe the middle of week 5....

The thing is,,,,,I can still do better with other makers products at far lower costs.....

I strongly suggest Hesi for synthetic nutrition.....I've tried out tons of makers products and still get stuff sent to me to try and then give them reports on....

I have many makers on my "crap" list......Some are very popular too....That doesn't make them better or worth using....

I hate "hucksters" Like AN and H&G.....They work ok, to a point.....

Many thanks doc... This is the sort of info or criticism I appreciate.

Useful advice and kindly noted


Well-Known Member
At what stage of flowering do you feed the blood ? Also do you give more than the one feed of it?

The more opinions the Better !!!
nevermind the haters...bring up AN and they come spouting. Bud blood is good n weeks 4-6 as a great Pk boost.


nevermind the haters...bring up AN and they come spouting. Bud blood is good n weeks 4-6 as a great Pk boost.
Necro, but google brought me here. I used the Rambridge version of AN's product, which should be nearly identical. Hand watering in coco/perlite pots.

Applied 0.5g of the stuff mixed in 9litres of rain water, it pH'd perfectly. Tipped on around 500ml per plant at around week 5.5, then again in 2 weeks time.

I gotta say, the buds I have cut off, dried and sampled were sticky, dense, smoked well, nicely weighed - no headaches. Probably the best looking buds I've grown to date, bag appeal through the roof. Everything else in my nute lineup was exactly the same as I've done for the last 5 grows, using Mills A+B then most of the Canna line up to the end.

Going to harvest in 3 days time, can post pics of the finished nugs once they're dried/cured etc.