bud fragrance

More Brand Bullshit …..

Active is Glycerin base … a simple sweetener.
Again another repackaged available element designed to remove money from wallet … glycerin / glycerol is an old gardening hack fir plants , that can be applied to soil / foliar spray. Designed as a microbial bump . You can do the same with other ‘ simple ‘ sugars such as honey / molasses / etc.
I gave the man what he wanted, take it easy bro, don't pop a blood vessel.

Molasas < Trichxl
Genetics and growing healthy plants are biggest driver of smells. Nothing you add is a magic smell maker. Buy genetics that are known for high terps and those terp profiles will be dominant if you keep them healthy.

Some plants have little to no smell, others will blow out your carbon filter. It’s about hunting the proper phenos or if your in the right area/know a guy purchasing/gifted clone only varieties.

Being it’s legal in most states now the stealth strains with little to no smell aren’t nearly as prevalent as they used to be back in the day.

Finding new and unique terp profiles are a big part of why everyone likes to pheno hunt.

T Ray
No, its a common food-additive.

Why one would feed it to plants is another question.

Why spout off about things you know nothing about and can not even take 2 seconds to google.

There is more than in it for sure, nothing illegal or harmful and processed better than any nutrients available through Fuji Film. Probably has some triacontanol and humics in it as well, you can tell buy the smell.
How many seedlings will it take if I buy 5 gallons?
Please do not do that. I would get something that might actually make a difference. https://www.kelp4less.com/shop/fulvic-humic-kelp-blend/

May as well start with a bag of that. its cheap and will last longer than…whatever that stuff is. Atleast if you don’t like it you won’t be stuck with 5 gallons of vape juice.

I also suggest some kind of silica supplement.
Why spout off about things you know nothing about and can not even take 2 seconds to google.

There is more than in it for sure, nothing illegal or harmful and processed better than any nutrients available through Fuji Film. Probably has some triacontanol and humics in it as well, you can tell buy the smell.
How many seedlings will it take if I buy 5 gallons?
That's a product designed specifically to separate a fool from his money, good luck.
Actually DM are the cleanest nutes available on the market, it's how I found them by reading the heavy metals report of every company and fertilizer made on the list from Washington State, so there is that. I pay for the time and energy they put into creating the line, it works great and it is simply worth it to me.
Please do not do that. I would get something that might actually make a difference. https://www.kelp4less.com/shop/fulvic-humic-kelp-blend/

May as well start with a bag of that. its cheap and will last longer than…whatever that stuff is. Atleast if you don’t like it you won’t be stuck with 5 gallons of vape juice.

I also suggest some kind of silica supplement.
LOL, kelp for less is 2012 shit. Good luck with your contaminated bulk chinese product broken down into ziplock bags.