Bud Light Stole My Likeness

One time at a stag party I ruffied her tequila and mountain dew (I was poor in 74)

And me and my Mexican friend Tesco took turns shoving various objects in her ass

Quite a scene actually

It was non sexual we were just bored because I ran out of ya yo

Fuck them college days were fun

I remember one time I fucked a goat cuz I lost a bet

But that goat didn't lose that night :p it gained about all my 2 1/2 dick

Yes ladies its that small

I mean chicks don't want a long and wide cock they want a pencil dick

Something they can't easily forget about

One girl laughed at my dick

Probably cuz she knew how nice my dick was

Sorry about the sister thing Mr. Outdoors

Just I got board and didn't want to delete all I have typed

No offense
Yeah ik if it wasn't for my catchy name I whould be labeled as a troll lol


But I know you do
One time at a stag party I ruffied her tequila and mountain dew (I was poor in 74)

And me and my Mexican friend Tesco took turns shoving various objects in her ass

Quite a scene actually

It was non sexual we were just bored because I ran out of ya yo

Fuck them college days were fun

I remember one time I fucked a goat cuz I lost a bet

But that goat didn't lose that night :p it gained about all my 2 1/2 dick

Yes ladies its that small

I mean chicks don't want a long and wide cock they want a pencil dick

Something they can't easily forget about

One girl laughed at my dick

Probably cuz she knew how nice my dick was

Sorry about the sister thing Mr. Outdoors

Just I got board and didn't want to delete all I have typed

No offense
Yo Tytheguy you fuckin small fry
You worthless unintelligent waste of my time
Typing all shrewd all through my view
Chuggin down moonshine acting all crude

Yo Tytheguy you fuckin small fry
You worthless unintelligent waste of my time
Typing all shrewd all through my view
Chuggin down moonshine acting all crude

Hahahah yup thats me

Im a crude small fry unintelligent and shrewed?

Wtf is shrewed

Idk thats besides the point

I write a bunch of shit an then get done and say OH FUCK I typed alot

So why delete my pure delicate beautiful writing hahaha

I can't get insulted maybe its cuz I have my head up my ass but I don't give a shit hahaha

Like I said sorry man

I can't get insulted but I can man up when I see that I acted out of line
Hahahah yup thats me

Im a crude small fry unintelligent and shrewed?

Wtf is shrewed

Idk thats besides the point

I write a bunch of shit an then get done and say OH FUCK I typed alot

So why delete my pure delicate beautiful writing hahaha

I can't get insulted maybe its cuz I have my head up my ass but I don't give a shit hahaha

Like I said sorry man

I can't get insulted but I can man up when I see that I acted out of line
I'm fuckin with you dude. Ts'all good
Smoke more weed, seriously smoke more weed.
One time at a stag party I ruffied her tequila and mountain dew (I was poor in 74)

And me and my Mexican friend Tesco took turns shoving various objects in her ass

Quite a scene actually

It was non sexual we were just bored because I ran out of ya yo

Fuck them college days were fun

I remember one time I fucked a goat cuz I lost a bet

But that goat didn't lose that night :p it gained about all my 2 1/2 dick

Yes ladies its that small

I mean chicks don't want a long and wide cock they want a pencil dick

Something they can't easily forget about

One girl laughed at my dick

Probably cuz she knew how nice my dick was

Sorry about the sister thing Mr. Outdoors

Just I got board and didn't want to delete all I have typed

No offense

you were alive in 1974?

hard to believe that you guys highjacked fins thread and made it worse....inconceivable!