Bud Mold / Crystals? Help please.

Powdery Mildew. Im having the same problem. I been using Green Cure, 1 tbsp per gallon. Spray bottle the areas with it making sure to saturate the area real good. Get the stem and stuff good too. Doesnt seem to hurt the buds at all if you get some on them, just be sure to do it when they are not in the sun or it might turn some hairs brown. I've been keeping a real close eye on mine and hit them once a week at least and remove leaves that have it bad. Also, youre supposed to rinse them down with water between Green Cure applications <garden hose water is higher PH> I fill up my gallon sprayer with hose water the night before and spray the whole plant down very well, let dry and then spot treat any PM with the Green Cure. Hope that helps!