bud not getting me high :(


Active Member
hey guys. well its beel like 4 days since my babies were cut. or 5. any ways --
-I have smoked a singled bowl twice now and it doesnt do shit except make me annoyed and over time get a headache. i got wonderwoman nirvana and its suppost to be a nice head high

--So im thinking is it the not dry enough? it had 36 hours to dry , then i started curing for 12/12 and its a light to-medium wetness after the 12 hrs in the jar
--I know also i had to harvest liek a 1 1/2-2 weeks early. but there was like 10% orange tricones on the top of the plant. and very little orange towards the bottom

please tell me one day it will get me high :(


Well-Known Member
Do you mean trichomes or the little hairs.
Sorry man.
Either way it should still get you high if 1 1/2 -2 weeks early
I get the feeling you cut way too early. :o


New Member
hey guys. well its beel like 4 days since my babies were cut. or 5. any ways --
-I have smoked a singled bowl twice now and it doesnt do shit except make me annoyed and over time get a headache. i got wonderwoman nirvana and its suppost to be a nice head high

--So im thinking is it the not dry enough? it had 36 hours to dry , then i started curing for 12/12 and its a light to-medium wetness after the 12 hrs in the jar
--I know also i had to harvest liek a 1 1/2-2 weeks early. but there was like 10% orange tricones on the top of the plant. and very little orange towards the bottom

please tell me one day it will get me high :(
Smoking uncured and undried bud won't give you the same high because all the bud you have had has been dried and cured. Dry and cure it properly then tell us if it affects you. But the reasons are countless as to why a bud could turn out, some not relying on you (bad genetics). So I say wait it out, cause you aren't on a highway to hell in hurry?


Active Member
the tricones. the hairs was like 60-70 red. i got picts but its like a week or more before harvest. unless u wanan see the cut buds?


Well-Known Member
if you are going by the flowering time as stated by the breeder,you can just about always add 1-2 weeks to them for full maturity. you could possibly have cut them very early.


Active Member
i got an emergency and gtg away for while COUGH COUGH. so the last time i think i could safely smoke is 30-31st. is there any way to make it good by then? im doing 12/12 on off burping. but somebody told me dont. idk what to do


Well-Known Member
You gotta let them buds dry for at least 3 days,my Og plant had a branch on the bottom that snapped and dried on the plant but it had a lil moisture but didn't give me the full high,but i did get a nice clear head high for a good hour or so.


Active Member
3 additional days? or 3 total. i been doing 12/12 closed-open jar. since im new idk if the buds are wet or feel crystalling after i open the lid . its like the buds stick to me more after 12 hours shut? idk if thats consdiered a light moist or if thats such sticky icky crystals


Well-Known Member
3-7 days to dry depending on bud size,putting wet buds in jars just screams mold come get me.It took 3 days for premature buds to dry for me


Well-Known Member
Its all about the status of the trichs and that cant be determined by looking at pics. I dont understand what you mean by curing 12/12 ? If the buds not ready to be jarred yet, it shouldnt be in jars. If its still too damp, get 2 paper bags, cut one of them into inch or 2 wide strips and put a layer of buds in the other bag, then a layer of strips of paper then another layer of buds and repeat etc. Close the bag and leave it for just a few days, mixing it up once in awhile. This will speed the drying process some but not too fast. THEN it can be put in jars.
You may have cut this one down too early, before it was ready. Curing might help it a little but it wont do any miracles.
Remember, you put a lot of work, time and energy into growing so you dont want to waste all of that or diminish the potential by chopping too early. Getting down with that alone makes you a much better grower ! You have to make mistakes to learn how to get good at it. I'm sure no expert by any means, but going through these same kinds of things early on and then correcting them made a difference like night and day for me, and it will you too.


Active Member
well i have it like 2 1/2 day to dry out, then been doign the 12/12. i saw it in a right up on this site under harvest. i dont remeber the guys name, but theres only like 3-4 write ups that cant be erased. I want to let them air dry more or the bag but im just scared ill let it dry to much and they will die. i dont got the resources to get the RH reader. hmmm


Well-Known Member
Letting it dry too much wont hurt really but if it happened just put a small orange peel in the jar.air drying is the best method,you bud is dry enough when you can make a clean snap on the stems between your fingers.i'm sure you know the how weed is suppose to feel.


Active Member
well i gave it a 1 bowl sample last night. shit was gooood. getting better day by day. very cool. im glad to see its not completely worthless . ill wait few more days and see how it is!


New Member
well i gave it a 1 bowl sample last night. shit was gooood. getting better day by day. very cool. im glad to see its not completely worthless . ill wait few more days and see how it is!
You'll get mixed results, you always feel higher off your personal stash the first couple times you smoke it.