Bud Porn Pro


Active Member
I Like that drying rack, I may..well will.. have to build one soon..or a cab. I'm getting anxious, I might get to use two jars this time..:-) I really do hope to fill eight pints..maybe one qt with cola's.. for a total of 5 or six oz cured buds. Love to see a prosperous Harvest! I will get there soon, If not on this op it will be the next one. I have 5 plants under a pair of 400..1-HPS..1-MH and a few CFL's...3 gallon pots are going away next time. they will be in 5 gallon for sure. I know it is lofty but I really think If I did this right..and by right I mean quite possibly switching to DWC I could hit a lb with the 800W and supplement CFL.

My big girl which I am now calling "not" Panama REd is just exploding, I am a bit saddened because she dropped her first leaf yesterday meaning to me she knows the end is near. I can only provide her with a happy environment until she succombs to the inevitable. She resembles a small tree and has been a pleasure to grow. She and her babies are well documented. If I have any shot at an lb op on 800w this is the one. I can barely keep up with them now, they drink everything I give them.


Well-Known Member
Here is some underage bud porn ;) some Hindu Kush. Doing a mono culture of it right now. I'll keep updating up to harvest of y'all want.

I must say, not a bad pics for an old iPhone 4!


Well-Known Member
gotta sneak my barneys farm critical kush in, they are day 28 into 12/12.................................................

.................................peace :) Delvite


Well-Known Member
dirtsufer, What did it take to grow all that, thats all one harvest yes?
I won't go into how much weight and I'll just say I don't pack the jars for proper curring.
But yes thats all 1 grow -the big jar on the left.
6 plants out doors and completely legal.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Moon Goblin again.

that cold water stuff looks effing STELLAR how she taste??



Well-Known Member
^^^Ain't it a bummer trying to figure out what you just did and what your going to do next? ^^^^^^
You dont know the half of it.. lol and I cant remember it either...

I am gonna attempt a SCROG on 2 20 gals this time round.. all the ladies are gonna be fat bottom girls.. as much as I loved the bigger tall gals.. I love to hunt bud worms..

have 4 mommies in my GH now.. it's 68 today...?? it's about 30 at the coolest.. temps here are just going up now.. love the Cen Valley!!