Well-Known Member
Hmmmm damn! I've had a few fly over bros. I live on the top floor of an apt complex too! It's never hotter than like 83 in my room, so I shouldn't be giving off a heat sig right?!
Sometimes I feel like I'm just being paranoid, but I'm on it.
I'm such a cautious dude man, but I know I've still got to be more careful damn!
And how did you find out pigs where on to you? If you didn't tell anyone you were growing?!
Fucking big brother man....pfff
This shit is crazy.
Well, if your on the "top" floor I would really, I mean "really" watch the heat bro. I am not trying to bug you out or make you paranoid at all! Its just I wouldn't wanna see anyone go down for doing what they love! Ya know?.. and as far as the heat signature goes, I believe they sit/hover over certain homes/apt and look at the different heat temps coming off all of them, and if ttheres one "hotter" then normal that's how they know something is going on!
That's the exact reason I swicthed over to the "LED" light system! Fuck those MH systems! I mean don't get me wrong, there great if you can get the temps under control, and not run any higher then say 75* I would say would be an idela temp as to not let those assholes track/tack onto a heat signature.
But see when all that happened to me, I was growing in an outdoor building, I had around 8 plants in there, I was running a 400 HPS & a 600watt MH system + a few t5's which don't really put out any heat, I thought I had tthe heat under control also, it wouldn't get any hotter the say 78* or so. I think once they are onto your signature, they "illegaly make" AEP or whoeve3r your light company is give up your records to see if there's any months that there's "spikes" in wattage used!! Or something along those lines.
Well, when all that shit went down, I would hear the assholes just sit & hover over my house it would sound like, well one day I went out there & I seen them hovering over the building!! And they where super "low" too!! That's how I knew they where onto me! And that night I went out tore everyone of them up, cleaned the room up, and took down the lights, made it look like a "work building" and the next day I had a undercover DEA agent knocking at my fucking door!!! He had a search warrent in his hand, and told me that they had reason to believe I had an illegal grow op going on!!
I looked at him & told him huh, no sir, I don't even smoke grass! I know he knew I was lying. So I then walked out onto the porch, and went walking back to the building, he followed. Got to the building he opened the doors, and his eyes got HUGE when he seen nothing was there!! I then told him I told you! God that pissed him off!! He then said "we know" you had something going on in this building, and this isn't over yet! I then just agreed, and went & talked to my lawyer! He/my lawyer told me as long as they didn't find "anything" that would lead them to believe I was growing they couldn't do shit!!
I didn't hear anything more from the dea! So about a month after that we ended up moving from there to a different state!! I waited awhile, and now got 28 strains going! Lol...
But I am ontop of the heat though! My room doesn't NEVER get any higher then 76* even during the summer months!! I don't want them assholes hovering over this house!! Shittt..