Hell yeah it sounds good!! I bet that would make 4 a kick ass cross! 4 real!! So is that your plan? Forcing it to produce flowers? Or just doing just one branch? That would be a hell of a strain though bro!! Your making me wanna purchase me some more dang seeds,lol!

my wife is SO pissed off at me 4 ordering everytime I get paid! Haha!! And I've made a deal with her! As long as she let's me get a shit ton of strains come income tax time. I told her she could get herself whatever she wants! I do believe thatsw a fair deal, don't you??

can't wait!! Its coming soon!! I'm planning on getting atleast 30 or 40 + strains, when I do get it,lol..!!
Oh PS. Yeah, I knew you could let one go alittle longer then needed to produce seeds.. hell bro, no bragging or anything at all, but I've been growing for 13 and a half years. I don't know if you've herd of it, the strains or not.? But there old school strains from back in early 90's & 80's. I have the original strains each of, Chem-Dawg 91, Panama Red, Cloumbian Gold, Hawaiin Baby Woodrose, & a few more!

my wife hated me growing at 1st!! Even tried like hell 2 kill um!! But over the years, she has lernt to deal with um,lol..