Bud rot?

Can anyone tell me if pics 2, 7, and 9 show bud rot?

The other pics show some yellowing of the bud leaves I have in a few areas on my buds. It's sort of dark/golden yellow that turns a bit reddish brown in some areas. Would that be the beginning of bud rot in those areas or just leaf decay from the end of flowering (or something else)?

Thanks for the help



Well-Known Member
In a few pics it does look like Budrot. Just carefully trim the affected areas and get your humidity down to 40% or under.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed. Aside from what he said,...take a pencil or something sharp, and peek inside the bud, looking for white fuzzy mold. You should be able to make a visual confirmation, once you look inside the bud itself. If you find any, chop it off so that it doesn't spread.
Can you guys tell me if those yellow/brown/red leaves specfically are bud rot/mold or the beginnings of it? I figured the brown buds were and fortunately they're isolated and small but there are a fair number of those leaves.

Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Can you guys tell me if those yellow/brown/red leaves specfically are bud rot/mold or the beginnings of it? I figured the brown buds were and fortunately they're isolated and small but there are a fair number of those leaves.

Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it.
Pull the flower back and look for yourself. And just trim away the rusty red soft stuff. You got some good pics of it and know what it looks like. And yes the single yellowing leaves could be early signs of budrot. So look around. Just be sure to have clean paws when you do.


Active Member
Hmmm...I just went through a harvest with similar results. The "bud leaves" you refer to called water leafs turning brown don't necessarily mean you have a bud rot. I'm not saying the above posters were wrong, but in your pics I don't see anything I would worry about. Like I said, I harvested a batch while back that I think I went to low on the N and had some colas turn out with what looked like burning water leafs. I just trimmed them off at harvest since I wouldn't smoke it but there was no issue like mold or anything of the sort. Long story short...

I don't think you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
looks fine to me and i have had the bud rot before
but best is to pull a bud apart and post that instead


Well-Known Member
2nd, 7th and last pics. And Turd is right. Thats why I said "could be". Those rusty areas are not just hairs turning. Its everything getting rusty. Thats early budrot.