Bud Sites Turning/Purple During Veg?


the bud sites of my plants are turning redish purple, Its kinda SOG technique so all the site are lookin funky... they are all in straight COCO... and i'm in veg stage of course, about 2 months now. its just at the center and only a tiny bit outward, its not the whole leaf or anything. does any1 know what this is due too? They are under a ton of light... and I have had a little bit of nuteburn but nothing major... Thoughts please...


Well-Known Member
Check your night temps. A lot of plants turn purple when they get cold. Its a type of antifreeze they produce.


ok.. some stems are purple too and I know that can be caused by cold temps. Maybe i'll try shutting my exhaust fan off when the lights go off to save the heat...

luvvin growin

Active Member
just make sure to keep the coco flushed to prevent nute lock out,as it extracts and retains alot of salt,other than that,what strain are they?My NYC Diesel mom is green with red streaks down her stalk,but its in the genetics,not the environment.


They are AK48, Bubblicous, & Sour Cream all from seed... Yes I did flush them & used some clearex, they seem to be responding very well. They were very bushy and did not seem to have much vertical growth at all, stunted. I think I had nute lock out. They are growing very vigirously. The color seems to be going away. But I;ll try and show you guys some pictures here.. Thanks for your help. Seemed to be salt buildup/nutelockout.