Bud Stopped Growing?


So when i was looking at some of the plants leaves during around the 3rd week of flowering i had twisted the branch to look under the leaf and it snapped not in half but like a twisting snap like you would do to a plant in veg not flowering, and now its around the 5th week of flowering and the bud masses have not gotten any bigger since that happened what should i do just let it finish flowering?


Active Member
Yeah, just let it go and see how it turns out... it isn't worth smoking currently


the whole plant or just a branch??? i just broke a branch(small) 2days ago but im 6weeks into flower and its growing just fine so i would just cut the branch off if its just a branch... i really cant help u if its the whole plant


Well-Known Member

Do you have a pic Sheim?

"around the 3rd week of flowering i had twisted the branch to look under the leaf and it snapped not in half but like a twisting snap like you would do to a plant in veg not flowering, and now its around the 5th week of flowering and the bud masses have not gotten any bigger since that happened"

Have the leaves shriveled? If the leaves are lush you have no real problem, just let it finish. You may have damaged it, which will slow flower a little, but nothing to worry about if the branch is still living after 2 weeks.

I snap stems an branches all the time, they heal if straightened out.
