bud too leafy?

20160807_234809.jpg 20160807_234758.jpg This is my first grow so I have no reference to go by on how leafy bud should be but I feel as if my bud has more than it should. I see other people's pictures and they seem to have more bud than leaf, could this be a strain characteristic or something I did wrong?


Well-Known Member
look to your lights kelvin as a guide

you want buds use the right color of light

warm white at about 2700k is great

anything higher ...6500 kelvin will only encourage horizontal growth

as 2700k makes great stem and bud

good luck


Well-Known Member
looks pretty decent for a first grow. as stated above, i would say its likely that its genetics...
and i am assuming your using a "full spectrum" led, from that purple lighting...i have used those on a few of my first grows, and i NEVER got tight formation like i wanted, and like i was seeing in everyone elses grow journals...
Part light, part genetics....
which Led are you using, outta curiosity?