Bud worm or caterpilar


Well-Known Member
Are the eggs you see attached to what looks like a hair sticking out from a bud/leaf with a white dot on the end?

BTW, an hour or so ago while tending my garden, I saw one little area with dead material. Just soaked everything with Spinosad


Well-Known Member
What do the eggs look like? I've been keeping close eye on them looking for spider mites and they've always looked clean..


Well-Known Member
The ones I've seen are a white dot attached to what looks like a hair sticking off a leaf by the bud


Well-Known Member
You know, you would hope that when you got to this part in your grow, that all you would have to worry bout is the weather and just how long it's gonna take to trim all those nice juicy buds.
But, i guess that's why they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I'll know next year. This was my first outdoor grow, you grow and you learn.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, i'm catching hell today. Thats good to know. At least thats only 1 thing i got to worry bout..(for now). I checked every where and the only thing in this area is this stuff by Bonide it's for organic gardening
3in1 insecticide, fungicide, miticide. Says can be used up to day of harvest. It kills budworms n bout 50 other worms i have never heard of.. Kills aphids, white flies, mites.
Idk thats just what the bottle says.. Active ingrediant is Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil..
I hate to wait longer to treat them by finding something else. You think this stuff would work? Or at least to keep things in check til the calvary arrives so to speak.
That stuff aint gonna do it, get the safer cat killer or spinosad. Keep pickin too, it's gonna take both defences to limit losses.


Well-Known Member
Just to give you an idea of what the last 2 days have been like.
Everybody knows this is the time of yr when the thieving lil bastards start scouring the country side with their lil peanut heads literaly stuck out the friggn window sniffing for the green. Cpl buddies of mine have already lost a cpl of their grows. Not sure if they were found by someone looking or my buddies couldnt keep their mouths shut.
So, seeing that my work kept me away from my girls practicaly all summer i decided to take a 30day break and move n with my girls so to speak.
The other day i found 1 lonely caterpillar having a buffet with 1 of my buds. So i got a bunch of advice and it all came down to 2 things (safer caterpillar killer and spinosad or something like that) so i hiked my ass to where i thought it would b safe enough to have a friend pick me up. Checked every friggn store only thing i could find was Bonide 3in1 fungicide, insecticide,miticide. Sposed to kill anything and everything. Treated yesterday am with it. Last night i hike out again which is roughly bout 10m round trip get a ride to my house and got to the nearest hydro shop.
Got the safers got my tired ass back n the woods and now i'm ready for round 2.how long should i wait b4 treating with the safers? It's a BT base where the Bonide was a neem oil base. I had been using 7dust til the buds started forming heavy triches and quit, so i'm hoping this helped keep the worms to a minmum. Only found 1 bud so far with any damage and just removed the whole bud. Better safe than sorry i guess. Cleaned it done a quick dry with a small box and camp stove, wasn't too bad. Had ahell of a kick to it.
Anyway how long u think i should wait b4 using the safers?
As always thanx for your help, you guys and ladies have been a lot of help.