Buddha Purple Kush Auto, They look too small!!


U can start using super thrive anytime any stage. And u can use ur veg nute but start at 25% recommended dose till the girls get used to it. Then move up like I told ya accordingly to how she looks. I started using mine 3 nodes up and she didn't burn


Active Member
Can I use my grow big, and root green light root stim together? Or is that too much at one time??? Thanks!!! :) P.S. How much root stim can I use? By looking at my pics rn. They are on day 11, and do you know with the Fox Farm Trio "Grow Big", if I use 1/4 of what the bottle calls says, for "SEEDLINGS", or 1/4 of what the bottle says, for "GENERAL FEEDING?" Those are the options on the back of the bottle. These girls are pre-veg stage right? so, I would think, I should go with a 1/4 of what the bottle says for General Feeding? Thanks!!!


Yes general feeding but is the bloom for flowering? I've never used ff nutes before so I'm unsure of how it's used bro


Active Member
I fucked up on my earlier post. I meant grow big, then tiger bloom. Bloom is for flowering. I was prob going to go with general feeding, just wanted to know your opinion on it. MY PLANTS ARE SO FN SMALL I need to get that stim. I went to my local home depot, and they only had the green light powder. I was confused on how to use it. I really wanted to get that green light stim, because you use it, and I saw your awesome results. Tomorrow I am gonna try harder to find some.


The first week will always be slow. They kick off after 14 days so I wouldn't worry about them small right now, but in 14 days if they don't have their 3rd set of leaves then something is up with the phenos of the plant. Remember though, my white domina is on day 29 as of today and she is like maybe 10 inches tall. But she is under low lumens so for 29 days she should be how she looks but at least 7 inches taller. This will be an interesting experience to see how autos go under low lumens then into a MH 600w. Somehow I've extended her veg stage under these lights and made her short and fat and bushy. I would love to get her to 19 inches before she hits pre flower. PK grows up another 5-7 inches depending on light distance during pre flower or wk 1 of flower pistils showing. I believe mine was 21 inches pre flower then 2 wks later she hit 31 and stopped growing up but started growing outwards.

Lastly roots need to breath so that's why u wait for her soil to dry so air gets to them. That is also why you want fluffy soft soil mixtures with lots of perlite. That's how I've done my soil. I use low end if not any organic nutes in my soil. It's a mix of seed starter soil, perlite, and regular soil. My shit is fluffy as fuck. Hard to soil sometimes but once it gets coacted after a few feeds it's good to go.


Active Member
Thanks junx! I got my temp down from 78-79 F to 75-77 F Damn my dude, I am nervous as hell today. This will be the first time I add my nutes!!!!! Pray 4 my spazzing azz LOL I have asked other peeps by looking at my plants what to do, when it comes to adding nutes rn. But, I at the end of the day I am following your lead, because you know AUTOS, and you have also seen my the condition of my plants. You have helped me so much with everything up to this point, so here goes nothing!!!! Do you know what causes bad phenos in plants??? PEACE!! P.S. Can you tell in my picks how many sets of leaves I have??????? I can send better pics if needed.


3 sets but no node development. Switch lights to 24/7 if they aren't. Do ur 25% of veg mix and add the Superthrive in ur 1 gal mix too. Superthrive the entire grow minus on ur off feed of plain water. Take off ur moister top thingy u have on them, I'm thinking they are lacking oxygen cuz of that. That humidity top u put on them makes me believe this. When I did my first clone I did that because it needs it to survive since they need to be force fed through their leaves as a clone until they develope a root. But ur girls have roots so I don't see the need for u to have that top on them bro. Number one rule for any plant to grow is: air water and light. Oxygen to the roots and leaves are a necessity. As your plant gets older and the leaves get bigger, you should foilage feed them under their leaves since that is where they get water easier from. When you foilage feed them with a spray bottle, do not use nutes, I repeat, do not use nutes in your spray bottle. Use plain water on mist spray during veg, and then sparkling bubble water during weeks 1-4 of flower. Then stop foilage feed weeks 5-7 of flower. Weeks 5-7 can possibley cause bud rot due to added moisture on the flowers. Makes sense right? And the reason I say don't use nutes in foilage feed is because you can burn the leaves and leave nute residue. I will show u because my dumbass did it on my current PKA grow haha. Luckily it was on lower leaves and in veg so no nutes dried on the flowers cuz there wasn't any but I got leaves that look like mildue is on it but it's only residue and u can't get it off. I'll take pics of my girl again and show u. She has got a bit more sexy and I can show u what problems I had cuz I was in ur exact position with this grow man and this is why I want to mentor u so I can improve your grow to get even better bud than mine. I know my shit because I read a lot about botany and growing, but it's hard to grow good bud when people like us can't afford to fork out cash. Don't feel bad either because I went to my local hydro store to pick up some canna supplies for white domina and my others for flower stage and n e ways I talked to this 38 yr old guy who has done hydroponic growing for 3 yrs now and the guy just now bought a fan rofl. How the hell do u go 3 yrs w/o a fuckin fan in ur grow op? Haha I started to not feel bad for my slow ways afterward when he told me. Anyways hit me up bro.


Oh and do them on 24/7 light for this next week. A good light pattern IMO is 24/7 for the first wk and a half then 20/4 for the rest. Some autos do better under 18/6 all the way through but I know my PK liked 24/7 for the first week at least. Try it, and btw phenos go slightly bad based on the maturity of the seed and or how well it was made into the auto. Every plant will have its own pheno. U will notice my two side plants next to white domina look different but they came from the same plant. The left one is having a harder time than the far right one and I started them both at the same time. I will take a side by side pic and show u the two so u get a better idea.


Active Member
THANK YOU JUNX!!! FOR MENTORING ME!! Is the force strong with me, master??? lol Can you elaborate more on
  • (germination/pre-veg/veg/pre-flower/flower/flush/blackout/drying timeline/ curing timeline) I'm good up to flower, but what does blackout mean???? and since I want the most narcotic, couchlock, sleepy feeling I can get for my sleep issues!! Would that be 35% amber trics like you previously mentioned? and can you guesstimate how many weeks it would take to get those feelings I want? 8,9,10 weeks??? Thanks Again Junx! and may the force be with you!!!! Damn I'm a dork!! LOL
    • :peace:


    • :grin:




Blackout is the the time frame you leave your plants in the dark the last 48-72 hrs before harvest. This can make ur girls a little fatter and trichs get a little boost because she gives her last bit of energy from the leaves to the flowers or buds. You want your soil to be bone dry before you u do this also. So make sure you know how long it takes for your soil to dry so u can time it. For example if your soil drys within 3 days then stop feeding 4 days before blackout time. She will grab her last juices in her leaves that she can and u wil get a noticeable difference in bud. If u want couch lock weed then go 40 or 50% amber trichs. 35% is like perfect for slight body buzz but nice cerebral head high but the body buzz isn't overwhelming where u want to just not do shit. I call it the "damn near fuck it stage" percent :) and you are doing good young Jedi the force will come more to you. With knowledge comes power with experience comes mastery ;) and if u want to aim for best of both worlds go 50/50, but keep in mind from what I've read, it's best to cut this girl down at 35-40% which is 40 trichomes out of 100 are amber. This keeps the anxiety down and helps as a anti inflammatory in recent studies. Trichs and high are really a hit or miss, from what a lot of people in the grow life say is that you have to grow the same strain a few times before finding how u like ur girl. Having higher CBN doesn't really mean couch lock effect...it's more like a anxiety blocker and medicinal help purpose chemicals change. But I think a good ratio of 40% would help the "sleepy" effect come in to play. I'd research more but I've found a lot of mix answers but seem to see a lot of people say go no more than 70% but that nearly. Degrades ur weed to barely any high but left with a lazy tired feeling. I like the buzzing in my head feeling and that's kind of like a 35% CBN 65% THC aka 35/100 ratio in a cluster of 100 trichomes. Hope this gives u a good understanding from what I've read.


Active Member
LOL Thanks! Seriously my sleep is so bad, I am going strictly, for the lazy tired feeling. I hate the buzzing in my head feeling. So, just to recap. So out of all the trics I see on the plant total, I want 50% of them to look amber???? or should I aim higher? P.S. Do I have to have my girl at a certain temp, while the actual blackout is taking place??? P.S.S After the blackout, then I cut the stalk down and let dry, right? any tips on how where to cut at? and how to handle her? Should I lay some trash bags out, or something while I am cutting her stems to dry? And should I hang to dry? With the string method? let them bitches hang upside down until the stem doesn't bends, it snaps, right? I am asking WAY to much tonight, Sorry. The force needs to shut my ass up rn?? You have any new pics to show me???? I would love to see some of your PKA after it has been cured. Just up close pics of your buds!!!!:hump: Thanks again junx!!! P.S.S.S nice "Star Wars" references Yoda up in this BITCH!!! LOL:wink:!!! lol LOVES IT!!!! :clap::peace::peace:


Day 57 pics, there is one above (the last pic) that is also day 57. The others I took when the lights were off on day 53
Day 57 pic 8.jpgDay 57 pic 2.jpgDay 57 pic 3.jpgDay 57 pic 4.jpgDay 57 pic 5.jpg


Here is the most recent pics I took yesturday of White Domina Automatica and Walker Texas Ranger #1 & #2 (Skunky stinky strain -- Only know this because she reaks of skunk in veg like most skunk strains)

White Domina Day 30 slow veg grow under T5 lights @ 15 inches tall (I'm really hoping she doesn't go into flowering this short but her veg has been going for a long time since she is under these T5 CFL lights lol). I am hoping to accomplish her growing around 2 ft tall before she jumps into flower. I can deal with 2 ft tall just cant deal with anything less than that or I will be depressed, but I will then know that you definitely can't slow grow an autoflower. Autoflowers are suppost to automatically go into flowering after so many days...but THIS one seems to be not going by that rule seeing that PKA went into flowering for me on day like 21 ish. PKA showed her first hairs at day 17 also. I was very surprised. But White Domina seems to be just soaking up the veg lights slowly and working with me nicely. I think she might have really listened when I sat down and talked to my girls for a good 5 minutes telling them about their life and purpose and how I want them to grow. After I did that White Domina grew 3 inches in 3 days and then her top stopped growing and her lower stems shot up exactly how I wanted them to. I honestly believe that talking to your plants help a lot. Emotionally giving them what they need and what you want them to accomplish for you. You give them a purpose to grow..then they know what to do ya know? Anyways...she has caught up fast and I hope she catches up even quicker with the other two so I can flower her and get those others real nice and short and fat. WTR will take probably 8-10 weeks to flower once I throw them into 12/12 lighting..just not sure how WD will do if I do that. I think I will just let WTR grow in veg until WD finishes. I need to buy a couple more T5 lights though..that or buy another 600w HPS / MH light system once that sweet sweet tax return comes :D
White Domina Day 30 veg pic 2.jpgWhite Domina Day 30 veg  pic 1.jpg
Walker Texas Ranger #1 Day 33 Veg (regular plant) @ 17 inches tall
Day 33 WTR 1 pic 1.jpgDay 33 WTR 1 pic 2.jpg
Walker Texas Ranger #2 Day 33 @ 19'' inches tall
Day 33 WTR 2 pic 1.jpg


If you look in the pics above, I used skewer sticks (100 pack from walmart for like 4 bucks) to push the inner growth stems, that are between fan leaves, to grow sideways so they reach for the light and catch up to the main cola. I only had to do it to one of White Domina's lower stem growth but WTR 1&2 grow super fast..no clue where they came from since they were bag seeds...but they were the best germed seeds out of like 20 lol. I just threw them all into a cup and had them race to dominance. But if you see WTR 2 is a bit taller but not as bushy and #1 is a little shorter but bushier...but they both came out of the same nuggets of bag weed my wife had. Hopefully they turn out to be girls...boy will it be a sad day to chop these lovely plants down if they turn to the dark side on me!

Oh and I will post my process of blackout / drying / curing when I get to those steps..PKA is on day 57 ish but I think I will let her go one more full week or until Jan 30th before giving her blackout period. I was going to flush this week for 2 weeks but I think she can take another week of nutes and then do just 1 week of flushing soil wise. I dunno this guy advised me to give her a couple more feeds then flush with sugar water. 1 tbsp per 1 gallon of warm water. He told me it would sweeten the bud more and to wait for all the pistils to go orange before I even decide to flush her. 100% orange pistils on her is usually a good indication that she is ready for harvest. Although it doesnt mean anything besides that. But I thought I had seen 10% amber trichs on her but honestly its like 4-6 amber trichs out of 80 creamy and 20 clear. So really she is about 5-6% amber trichs ATM. I want to harvest her when I see about 35-40%. But I have no clue how she smokes at certain stages because nobody has given a smoke report on this strain before. At least I cant find a damn one based on trichs / harvest date / etc etc....I dont think people understand how important it is to share their harvest and bud smoke effect for certain strains. It can really make a difference to some of us who dont know shit about when to harvest for a specific plant for a specific buzz/high/effect. Ya kno?


Active Member
Thanks JUNx!! I am really looking forward to you teaching me the blackout/drying/curing stages. Plus, I can not wait:weed: to see those Sexy purple buds dried, and cured!!!:weed::clap::clap: I want to see what the buds look like, without the leaves, and stems attached!! AKA The Finished Product! BOO YA!!!! :leaf::peace::peace: P.S. Your plants look AWESOME BRO!!!!:clap::clap::clap: They get me excited:hump::hump: just looking at them!!!!


Well I gave her one last nute feed today. 1/3 gal 2 days ago and 1/3 today. So now it's tap water and sugar from here on out. I hope this sugar trick does the job rather than plain water, but like I said its supposed to be bring out the taste real nicely in plants. I will take side by side periods of blackout before and after days 70-73. Then cut her down day 74. I'll take pics of when she is tried then pics when she is cured 14 days after than. Finish date should be feb 22nd unless after her flush period she isn't finished but mostly all the large fan leaves are bone dry right now. Just not cutting anymore leaves until tomorrow since I cut some off 2-3 days ago. Dont want her to go into shock lol. Better to slowly take old leaves off IMO so I don't stress her to hard in the last stages.


Active Member
Hey Junx, do the girls look ok? I know the one is lagging, but what about the other one? Day 15. Have not watered since, last Thursday night. I am watering them today. Light distance is (8.5" to 9") away from light. Thanks Junx!!!!! P.S Happy MLK DAY!!!!

