Budding in early june?


I know I said I dont do pix, but... heres some from 3 weeks ago... :-(

going to check them again tomorrow...

ETA: This plant is about 4' diameter, and almost 4' tall... prolly at least 15-20 tops. Its a nice size plant for july 7... just kinda fucked up.....


I grow in the same area as you, and have had the same thing happen to me. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have let them revert and do what they may. I think your first pic looks fine. Your second pic shows what worries me most. It's out of focus, but the brown looks to be dead stuff. As you know, We have had a record or near record wet summer, I lost an entire harvest to rot in June. Now I lie awake at night worrying about the rest of my grow. I now have 5 Auto lemon haze being flushed for harvest, And they are getting rot spots. I think your plants will bud out unusually thick, And lead to a more favorable environment for mold. This is just my opinion, And I, being in the same situation as you, Would invite more feedback on this thought. Anyhow, best of luck to you.


Well... those pics are of the same plant... And yes... plenty of rot on the early buds... I just hope that the revegged tops will grow nice. Its ak-47, so should be done by mid sept, assuming they havent been set back by the veg to bud to reveg to rebud.... lol


Harvested the plant in the above pics yesterday. It hadnt grown one bit, and was turning all sorts of shades of yellow/brown :-(

It wasnt fully mature, but not far from it... Buds are pretty airy and small, but theres lots of them. Cant really speculate on yield yet, but its gonna be a lot less than I was hoping for. Might end up with an oz or so..... Was hoping for at least 8 oz off her.....

The others are looking much better tho, so hopefully I will do ok with those.....