budding to early


Active Member
i got my outdoor going real good then i topped some and they seem to be budding already its way to early for that and last year i had the same problem almost all of my plants did that they went in to budding then later on went back in to veg. its stunt the growth major and i got all my clones from the medical clubs in cali so they should be good to go???? can anyone help???????


Well-Known Member
how much DIRECT sunlight are they getting? are they autoflowering strains? Get them in direct sun for as long as possible


Active Member
they as much light as they can there lined up wit the sun the best they can be "autoflowering strains" i get what it means but i never herd of them got anymore info?


Active Member
Autoflower strains will flower under 24 hours of light and they dont reveg, they are dwarf plants

Lowryder #2
a few more

If you had an autoflowerer I think you would know it.
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Active Member
na i dont think they r cuz when i first got them from the club i had them keep under 24 hour lights with fluorescent lights and they were going so fast now there about 2 feet tall


Active Member
na i dont think they r cuz when i first got them from the club i had them keep under 24 hour lights with fluorescent lights and they were going so fast now there about 2 feet tall
Were they clones? I think I know whats up. Clones always flower early if you put them out before June 1st. This is about the 100th post like this I have seen this year. These clubs should put a sign up for outdoor growers or something like "Do not buy until June if you are planting outdoors".


Active Member
Yeah a clone is already sexually mature, it was cut off a female mature plant, and they all keep them on 24 hours of light, so when you buy them in April, May, its about 14-15 hours of light and they start to flower. There are some ways to prevent it but involves slowly bringing down the light cycle indoors before taking them out. Are we allowed to post threads from other forums? I got a good thread about it.


Well-Known Member
yes you can. I'd like to see it because I had the same problem that never got correctly answered.


ps: mine did this for about two days, just showed intense white hairs but its in constant sun light all day and its not doing it anymore, just getting bushier then hell.


Well-Known Member
Ok,so I planted my clones outside May first,your saying I planted too early and they are a lost cause?????????

Bud B

<<Bump>> I know this thread is old, but wanted to comment cause I had the same exact problem described here.
I planted my Purple Kush Clone on 4/20 and it took off growing great, then quickly started producing white hairs then
started budding majorly. The plant reached almost 2 feet tall and stopped growing. It got majorly bushy.
It is still flowering, but the hasnt't reached maturity yet. The trichomes are still clear. I wondered if I leave it alone
will it fully develop the buds ok, or I should induce a 12 hour darkness by dropping a garbage can on it daily.

Bleezy.... How did your plant turn out? You never did say?
I'm trying to figure out the best thing to do with mine.