

How much longer you think. I am supposed to travel for bus and dont want to fuck this up. And they smell so good.


Thanks when should i start cutting out the nutes and water? By the way this is my first grow ever. I started indoor and had to move them out doors. We are starting to get cold nights up in the NE so will this effect or speed them up?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Thanks when should i start cutting out the nutes and water? By the way this is my first grow ever. I started indoor and had to move them out doors. We are starting to get cold nights up in the NE so will this effect or speed them up?
2 weeks before harvest.

Keep watering, Id stop nutes now and feed only molasses.
Your leaves are still real green.
This should hurry up the process some.
But it still looks 2-3 weeks to chop.


Well-Known Member
How long before i start budding see Pics. I am in week 12 of flowering on the smaller plant week 10 for the bigger one.

Nice job, they look great, nice and healthy, trichs, good first grow. Pull back on the nutes anytime now. You're right on track for the season.


Update: I see why everyone told me to wait. I def see the diff in the lady in time i have waited. I have about a week to go cant wait. Thanks again all.