budding ?


Well-Known Member
[quote="dr.chronic";1128259]well can i just harvest it and sell it to an unexpexting customer[/quote]

...well u can do that with grass off the bottom of a lawn mower...no need to waste time growing the male plant.


Well-Known Member
[quote="dr.chronic";1128259]well can i just harvest it and sell it to an unexpexting customer[/quote]

Seriously? I hope you were kidding. If you are that stupid to try to sell that, then you deserve the ass woopin you will get when you try to pass that off to the wrong person....

Oyeah. I would change your name on here. I dont thing the legendary Dr. Chronic would what anybody thinking they are in association of you...



Well-Known Member
yes sir it is without a doubt a male...maybe was a hermie...but defiantly a male now.......sorry bro


Well-Known Member
"dr Chronic" from the sounds of it you should start a new hobby, this one will only bring you bad luck.

good luck dealin that bs LOL..


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! Does anyone EVER read ANY of the posts made AFTER the first post?

I DON'T THINK SO!!!! This thread is like 2 months old...his plant is long gone people...i just wrote almost this same speach just 2 days ago about this.


Well-Known Member
is there only singles pistils on either side...if so m afraid it is a male plant...also if you have other plants around it you should really move it unless you want your other plants to be pollenated and then all of your plants sunsiquently will be males but good luck do you have any pictures?


Well-Known Member
I think this guy is selling this shit somewhere near where i live...there's a recent batch of CRAPPY weed that everyone is pissed about...lol!