Budget friendly 660nm supplement

I'm going to start with 2 for now and see how it goes. I wanted to use 4 for symmetrical reasons, but I dont want to over-do it. Going to add one to my veg tent as well. Maybe even a blue. These leds are addictive haha
Wondering if this would be a good red supplement to run with my qb132 setup. I am concerned about th IR chips and if they would cause a ton of unnecessary stretch. I am thinking maybe these are more suited for Emerson effect than full time supplement. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254461286688
Hey man, if you talk with the e-Bay seller again, do you mind asking what diodes are being used for the supplemental strips? It looks like the boards say Samsung like the Sun Boards with LM561C/LM301B chips do. I don't think Samsung LH351H are being incorporated into the supplemental strips, maybe Epistars are being used?
Hey man, if you talk with the e-Bay seller again, do you mind asking what diodes are being used for the supplemental strips? It looks like the boards say Samsung like the Sun Boards with LM561C/LM301B chips do. I don't think Samsung LH351H are being incorporated into the supplemental strips, maybe Epistars are being used?
He verified that epistars are used on his red boards as well as his blue boards
If it's not too late, have a look at Buddies. They do a 660 mono and a 730 mono as well as a PC Red. Pricing on kits with drivers is coming soon I believe. Price is in Aussie dollars: https://growlightsaustralia.com/product/buddies/
I like the idea of the buddies, but I dont want to wait for shipping from the other side of the world. Also they're kind of pricey for what they are. Maybe if they included a driver for $30. But thank you for the suggestion