

hay im a noob, to the forum that is! all the talk about growing your own deliciese hydro bud has certainly interested me always been an outdoors man. sSo much diffenert info has overwhelmed me! so far i am set on growing a small hydro wardrobe set-up with reflective roof insulation-lining (2ft deep x 5ftwide x 7ft STONE HIGHHHH) lighting - 600 Watt digityal ballast Hps ., MH with overhead reflector, sytem - 6 pot hydro resevour growing in rockwool & hydrotron clay, Air - exuast fan with ozone generater & small wall hung fan. timers on the water & wall fan for 5 mins every 3hrs, and timer on the light 24hrs for veg and 12/12 for bloom. basic CO2 fermentor(water yeast sugar). instruments - ph meter, thermometer & three part nutrients aswell as ph up & down. i have already purchased ICE seeds from 420-seeds UK yet to arrive..are these seeds and set-up any good for a first time hydro n00b. any ones oppinion would be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
if you have never grown indoors, soil may be a good way to get the basics, cooling will be an issue with 600w in that type of enclosure


if you have never grown indoors, soil may be a good way to get the basics, cooling will be an issue with 600w in that type of enclosure
Cheers murfy! im very interested in hydroponic resevour due to the size of the room as soil pots take up more room? what you recon would be the max amount of plants i could grow in this size enclosure with or with out the 600 watt and soil or hydro res..

Smoked some B E A utiful home grown bush today, helped me prep the grow room! thanks Mum :joint:


Well-Known Member
the problem is your plants will never get 6 feet tall because the footprint will be too big, unless you do just one plant

my opinion is that scrog is best for cabinet grows, and in a 5 x 2 i would probably do 6-8