Buds are forming strange, fatter at top


Well-Known Member
stopped using superthrive in flower a year ago..... it just causes fluffy buds the bag seed in ? is a big ass thick bud on a stem. i dont need it to grow anymore (size wise as its probably more than a half oz already.)

IMG367 - Copy.jpg
my 2 bag seeds plants
IMG369 - Copy.jpg
something for size comparison
and this one is a zoom in of the one above
IMG372 - Copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
ha...theres nothing wrong with your buds bro...that just how that strain you have grow...let it go...let it grow...your gettin more weight



Well-Known Member
Why would you show a whole thread from the farm? Like they have any clue BLAZE is smart but the rest of those chimps ha!! What we call foxtailing is just fine no problem NOW shitty advice to chop early is bogus and to back it up with a non .edu study based link is asinine ....
Most long time growers agree that foxtailing at the very end means you NAILED it with the nutes and your yeild will be Awsome;) because the buds put out the normal push plus some extra on top cuz it got nutes at the right time... Jury is still out...
well always a first time lol
i did it to show that in some strains it is ok they say and others not prone to FT it is not good
so just to say its ok is not really ok

and i noticed that superthrive does get blamed for it also


Well I let them finish to completion and am happy I did. No seeds or negatives to be found just healthy dense nugs. Yield wasn't terrible, I ended up with a little over 30z's of nicely cured dry nug, not bad for 6 plants.