Buds are Weak


Active Member
I'm almost 8 weeks into flowering and my buds just aren't "filling out". I'm growing indoors in Canna Coco, 13 plants, most of them are Red Dragon with 4 White Widows, an Orange Bud (it looks the best) and a Pineapple Express.

Is there a nute lockup going on? My PH is between 5.5 and 5.9. Never had this problem before...I'm gonna go another 2-3 weeks flowering, but if someone has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I'm basically giving the plants Canna Boost and Cannazym and will give them moleasses next week. Usually water them 3 times a week in a 78º room with fans circulating.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
try 6.4-6.8, also try to water then a little less, maybe 2 times a week, let em get thirsty but not parched


Well-Known Member
also, you never said what kind of light you have, that tells the story pretty well right there


Active Member
Seeds are from Attitude...they looked great 1st 2 weeks of flower...now...and I didn't do anything different.