I have no idea what is going on and I'm starting to think it may be a strain issue. These are all outdoors, in central cali, started in mid March. The gdp indicas are the only strains that seem to be perfect except for minimal caterpillar damage. All of the plants have been aggressively treated, both organic sprays, and the kind you pour into the root system. These are not my personal plants and I can't call the shots, only give advise, so I'm bringing this matter here. There is a shit ton of mites, maybe aphids, I dunno, tiny little black and white bugs, which suck but overall the plants all look very good. Vegging, they did wonderful, but now that the buds are developing on the tip tops are perfect and then they seem to all dry out and loose their luster.. the hairs are turning brown/orange, no smell. The strains having issues are animal cookies, and the platinum cookies ( pic 5 & 6)looks like absolute shit. The Plat. cookies, has the worst pest infestation I believe and most if not all the leaves have turned into "tacos". I suspect the strain needs more humidity and it's a dry hot summer here. Everything gets plenty of water and food, but I can't figure out why all these leaves look burnt or warped.. and all these buds seem to be finishing up quickly at pop corn sizes. All of these are from the same mother plant and what's even weirder is some aren't even flowering yet and we only have less then a month before the light drops below 12 hours. What do you guys think? Strain/environment? Should we cut all these messed up flowers off? I doubt they would even get us high, they have no stickiness, no smell, nada.. reminds me of like vaporized weed... but they are not to the touch, like they aren't dried of and crumble.. it's just as wet as the rest of the plant. Thanks guys, and hope you all are having better luck!