Buds dying off before trichs turn amber...=[


Active Member
So I've been waiting for my trichomes to turn amber and I started to check on the condition of the buds as well....

Almost all of the hairs are red and even some of calyxes on the bottom of some buds are brown and pretty much dead. The trichomes are like only 10/15 percent amber and the rest is milky. the plant is an indica.

i wanted more of a body high but i feel that if i wait any longer for the trich colors to change to amber, it'd be entirely dead. so I harvested half of the plant and left the top cola to to ripen, since it still had some white hairs left and didn't look TOO bad..

can anybody give me some advice? or has had this same problem?

please and thank you.


Well-Known Member
if it's so ripe that it's nearly ready to die off i'd suggest giving her the choppy chop right now. pictures would help a lot and also how long have you been flowering for?


Well-Known Member
you usually do it opposite of what you did,you usually chop the main cola 1st and let the bottom flower longer.after you cut the other down did the trics seem a lot redder than at 1st?


Active Member
well.. it's been about 8 or 9 weeks of flowering already. she's an outdoor plant. somewhere between late week 8 and early week 9, no later. And I would have chopped off the top cola first but it was the bottom buds that were starting to go bad.. the top is still fine, but it's gonna have to come down before the end of this week though. Do you think it should come down today?

I would show you guys pics but we would just been dealing with the trichomes and I don't have a USB micro to show that. I will post up pics of the plant itself later. I took a look at the trichs of the ones I chopped off and there are amber ones peppered through the milky but it's still predominantly milky. About 80-20, 90-10.. something like that. anymore advice?

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible it is done and the strain wouldnt turn amber? I dont know much about that, just trying to think of a possibility. Because if your are already on week 9 the plant could easily be done and been a more early flowering strain...? lol