Buds for Less - CFL BOOK


Active Member
You can make one with duct tubing just cut it in half and adjust accordinly.
Thanks for the tip! Someone had told me to try and find an extension to screw into the fixture, I'm off to the hardware store to see if I can find something that fits, if that doesn't work I will try the tubing.....


Active Member
Thanks for the tip! Someone had told me to try and find an extension to screw into the fixture, I'm off to the hardware store to see if I can find something that fits, if that doesn't work I will try the tubing.....
BINGO! Just got 2 medium extenders for each fixture, and 10.5 inch reflector with 2 42 watt cfl's in y-split fit perfect. Can't wait to see what this additional light does for my 3 ladies!


Active Member
So I hooked everything up at the hardware store & it fit perfect, get it back to the casa, rig it all up with a big smile on my face....drumroll Clark Griswold style hit the switch and no lights....Obviously frustrated I step away for a few bourbons, go back to the drawing board a few hours later and eventually find a way to remove a small piece from the reflector and make it work...Now it is all good, ladies are enjoying the extra lights!

You know I once read somewhere (prob on this msg board) that smoking marijuana wasn't addictive, but growing it was. I am seeing how that makes total sense. I am having a blast tweaking this grow room, cannot imagine the satisfaction of tasting my own sticky icky......


Well-Known Member
Bought the book and I'm following the grow pretty closely starting in about a month. I'll share the threads link once it is started. I look forward to having help with this! FROM THE AUTHOR!! haha. thanks for the direction/inspiration!



Well-Known Member
yo!! Garden Knowm..

Shack's Super Awesome Soil Grow

This is the grow that you inspired.. planning on mixing up my soil and watering as the book details.. but i'm growing autoflower, so the lighting will vary. also have a custom lighting rig that seems to work pretty well.

check it out if you've got the time.



Active Member
I just bought the book today, and it is amazing, not only is it informative, but it is innovative and inspiring. I recently started my grow and instinctively went to cfls (do to cost and temp) bought after reading this thread and purchasing the book, i'm ready to rearrange my lights and maximize my efficiency. thank you very much!!

below is a link to my op as it stands now. ill use it for the veggin stage, but ill b using your light setup for flowering. check me out sumtime!


Hi guys!
i just piked up the book i've been reading on all of your guys imput on how u like it.... i actually have a question before i start my own little masterpiece garden of my own actually a few questions as to how new to this i am

1. whats the best strain you could recommend for beginners
2. in the book it says any specific 42 watt lights now i dunno if i missed it or not but the bulbs never changed during the grow period in the book...
3. whats your guys bill look like when using this method say for 6 to 8 lights on 2 plants???

... i gatta be stealthy


Well-Known Member
Just got the book yesterday from barns&nobles, and it seems to be a great read. full of good info for CFL growers.


Let me just start by saying, I illegally obtained a copy of this copyrighted work. After carefully reading through the pages, I have decided to grab a legitimate copy. Chalk one up for Torrents and filesharing actually accounting for a sale. I'm sure it doesn't happen much. That said, my main critique of this book deals with the spectrum of the CFL's and the lack of mention...

for instance, which bulbs for seedling/veg/flower/curing...

perhaps in the 2nd edition eh?

Either way this is by far the best CFL step by step guide around. I wouldn't say it replaces the knowledge and insight on this forum by any means. It does however help immensely with the pictures and day by day aspect that most of the journals here leave out. An excellent addition to the collection. Can't wait til the copy arrives. Also, glad to see this came about organically. All told how much was spent growing this plant? How many could you grow with this system and the same lighting... it looks like you grew 3 yea?


Well-Known Member
8 oz w/ cfl...........OK you have my attenion, but does anyone have photos to back this claim? If so I be at b&n when they open in the morning... thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have this book. I recently went to Barnes and Noble, here in California, to see their pot books. None. I thought... where did I get that book? Buds for Less? Well, I found the book, and the bookmark was the receipt-- and sure enough, I had purchased it at that particular Barnes and Noble. But now they have no pot books. I wonder if people stole them, so they got rid of them? I bought mine, and I remember there were other pot books, and some guys scoping them out, all self-conscious.

I like this book because it's perfect for the beginner that I am. I just look at the days, and the pics, and gauge how I'm doing.

It even has a pH thing which helped me determine that my pH is fine, so now I have to think of other reasons why my leaves tend to fold...
i use cfls all the time. they seem to be good. for veg: sunlight by day, cfls at night. not time to introduce the plant to 12/12 yet.


Do your books/DVDs show how to make a good CFL setup? Like detailed wiring info with good pics?

It looks like an awesome resource. The day by day pics intrigue me. I PLAN on chronicling each day with a pic once mine come up but who knows if I will stick with that.


Well-Known Member
I picked the book up last year at B&N. Before i started my cfl growing.
Actually found the book before this site.
Was stoked to see GN on here.

The book is pretty much spot on. Only difference is my finish time is a bit longer.
If anyone knows, i know he says in the beginning of the book, 8xcfls (42w/2700 lumen each)
Is this the end number, or were more cfls added?
I bought a 2' T5HO from HTG and 4x42w, even before i was turned on to BFL.
Avg. yeild is 1.5/plant with this setup. 2 plant setup.
T5 top light 10000 lumen, 4x42w=10800 lumen. 800 more lumen but placed closer to buds.
I did make the fixture so if 8 is total cfls for 3 plants, i'll try that next grow.