Buds For Less-ish 1plant grow.. 51 days in.


Active Member
Hey everybody.. sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. Thought I'd update everyone on my grow.

I'm 51 days in to my first ever grow. Growing 1 plant using the "Buds for Less" book.

watered 3 days ago.. using 9 - 42watt CFL's.




Well-Known Member
Very nice plant. I would have topped her but it seems like you did fine already in the 1st pick with all those bud sites.


hey man lookin good. do u know what strain that is? the plant looks really similar to mine. check it out in my sig. so how long did u veg


Active Member
That looks good, how tall is it? Some more pics of the whole plant and grow area would be great too see!
Here's a pic from day 48 that shows the grow area and more of the whole plant. The plant is just over 24" in height. With all of this stuff around, it's tough to get a whole plant shot.



Active Member
So here's a harvesting question:

When it comes time to harvest, can I keep any leaves with trichomes on them? I'm assuming I'll ditch the fan leaves, but some of these other leaves I could keep, right?

If so, is it better to grind them or use them for, say, cannabutter?


Well-Known Member
You should use them for hash or butter, just ake sure to cut them before you dry because they can creat mold if you leave them on there when drying. But you probably won't have enough shake and leaves to make enough hash or butter.


Active Member
hmm.. is there a way I could scrape the leaves of trichomes and add it to my kief collection? I hate to just toss em..


nice pic, cheers. I would just say although you probably know this but you should get some white paint or Mylar for the walls. good luck!


Active Member
Look into making BHO or qwiso oil with your trim. You can do it with as little as 1/4oz. Be sure to include ALL trim, including fan leaves, yellow leaves that fell off, maybe even the dried ground stems. Many claim that these by-products are useless, but take out your trusty $12 scope and take a look at these "useless" parts up close. You'll see a ton of what I think of as 'flat' or 'stalk-less' trichomes, hugging the surface. The only way to really get them is by using a solvent to dissolve them, then evaporating the solvent away. You won't get much from 1 plant, but the tiny amount you do get will be fairly potent.

Nice grow too, btw.

Good luck,


Active Member
thanks for the input.. I'm not sure any of it makes a difference. I'm actually considering not using a grow box next time and just setting it up in a spare bedroom. I don't have houseguests so I could probably pull that off.