Buds for Less setup (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
it should hold its shape somewhat. at least you now will have more than one main cola. plus now that you have the hps you will be able to penetrate to the lower buds. now just wait for em to get frosty!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good so far, how old are the ladies now?

When they put on a load of weight they will probably drop back to where they were tied down.

My single plant has just reached the height where it touches my SCROG screen, I plan on taking the lower branches for clones today (for feminised seed production) and fitting the screen after that ... then in maybe a week I will switch to 12/12.
They are 59 days old today.

I'm watching your thread, Can't wait to see that screen full of nugs :joint:


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, bro. I'll be purchasing a dual ballast 400w hps/mh for my next grow. Glas to see you're getting marked improvements with it.


Well-Known Member
I will add some pics this evening. The girls are still progressing very nicely (IMHO of course) I have started 3 more seeds, one Killing Fields, one Herijuana x Big White, and one random bag seed. All 3 have popped the shell and have a tap root going. These 3 new ones (if the bag seed isn't a male obviously) will be my "mother" plants. I hope to have a perpetual grow going by the time these first two plants are harvested,

Once I get some clones going I want to try out Uncle Ben's topping technique vs the LST or maybe a combination of the two to find what works best for me.

Thanks for reading, more pics this evening :joint:


Well-Known Member
Day 61 - Plant 1.jpgDay 61 - Plant 2.jpgDay 61- Both.jpg

Here are the pics I promised. I decided on tying the branches "open" towards the edges of the pots as all of the branches were bunched together in the middle and it only seemed the tops were getting light. I think the current setup allows the whole plants even amounts of light so hopefully more bud :joint:

Looks like I need to update more frequently, my views are slipping quickly! lol


Well-Known Member
The LST method you're using is sinilar to mine. I ended up getting 6 main colas this way and the plant yielded 1.5oz so I'm excited to see what you pull from these kids.


Well-Known Member
Day 64 - Plant 1.jpgDay 64 - Plant 2.jpgDay 64 - Both.jpg

My camera skills are severely lacking but plant 2 is getting really purple. All of the new buds coming in are a deep dark purple. Plant 1 is as green as they come. It's amazing that these are 2 different phenotypes of the same strain.

Future mommies.jpg

Here is a picture of my (hopefully) future mommies. I started one more Killing Fields and one of the Herijuana x Big White. You can't really tell in the picture (my photo skills again) but the H x BW seedling has a red stalk. I thought that was cool lol. I would have been worried but I have seen other strains on here with that trait (namely the one G.O.D. is currently growing).

For those of you playing at home how much longer would you guess these flowering plants have left? The first week of November will be my 8 weeks flowering but the first two week were under CFL's with no signs of sex. I'm wondering if my CFL setup wasn't enough light and possibly stretched out my flowering time.

Thanks for any responses and as always thank you all for watching.

I will try to get some close ups of the buds this evening when the lights come back on.


Active Member
Looking killa man! Haven't been by in awhile. Things have changed a little. Looks like the ladies are doing great with the new light. Kinda hard to get a close up on my phone but they look good! I'll check in later.


Well-Known Member
Looking killa man! Haven't been by in awhile. Things have changed a little. Looks like the ladies are doing great with the new light. Kinda hard to get a close up on my phone but they look good! I'll check in later.

Thanks for stopping by man. always good to hear other folks opinions.


Well-Known Member
corúm;4796247 said:
how close do you keep your light?
When I hung the light up it was about 15-16 inches above the plant tops. They stretched a bit since being under the HPS so the light is now probably closer to 12-13 inches above the plants.
I can still hold my hand comfortably between the plants and the light so I'm not going to adjust it back up unless one of the tops starts getting burned.

All measurements are approximate since I didn't actually measure anything lol. Just guessing from eyeballing it.


Well-Known Member
Day 68 - Both.jpgDay 68 - Plant 2.jpgDay 68 - Plant 1.jpg

Todays Pic's

For those of you who have been keeping along you can clearly see the two different phenotypes. Plant 1 (On the left in the "both" picture) has been really green since she showed her flowers but the newest little flowers on her are purple too. Plant 2 on the other hand has had every flower since she showed sex a deep dark purple.

They are still only getting nutrients from the Miracle Grow soil and have been getting watered with 1.5 liters of 6.0 PH water roughly every 4 days. Earlier in flowering they needed water once every 5-6 days but for the last two weeks it has been consistent 4 days. This wasn't any plan I had that's just when the pots are dried out now. My rule has been if I think the soil is dry, wait one day to water. Usually by the next day the leaves are all droopy and I know it's time for some more water.

The girls seem to be going well (IMHO this being my first grow).

I'm going to place an order tomorrow for some rooting gel, rock wool cubes and a microscope. For 30 bucks you gotta love Amazon lol. I am going to try my hand at cloning soon. If there are still little baby branches at the bottom of these two once I get my supplies I will try to make some clones of these two. If that doesn't work out I still have my seedling Killing Fields and Herijuana x Big White. Guessing on the growth of these previous plants I should be able to top the seedlings in about 2 weeks and try to use the tops for clones also.

As always, thanks for watching! :joint: