Buds have no fragrance


During flowering I didn't have much odor, just figured my fan/filter were doing their job. Harvest came and now I'm curing and my buds have no fragrance. I grew agent orange from seed. Is it possible that maybe my circulation fan were too much and actually "blew" the fragrance/odor from my plants? Used super soil. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
No..probably had a stain pheno that doesn't smell much. If you dried it out to quickly it can happen and if you haven't cured it correctly.


Actually, I grew one agent orange and one blue lemon thai that was a freebie seed. Neither smelled much while I was harvesting. I've dried it properly and slowly and am now in the curing process. I wonder if it's possible to have circulating fans on too high or close and maybe this is the cause. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
try harvesting right before the lights come on or leaving them in the dark for a few days then harvesting (with air circulation and a dry-ish medium)

also back off of nutes upcoming to harvest, aiming for a slight yellowing when you go to chop.

you could also try adding carbohydrates (carbo load or molasses method), which will increase terpine productions but may or may not help ; i have nothing to quote to back this up, but am sure you could find some info about it.

also i like to leave all the leaves on during havest. then after a few days i take off the fan leaves, followed by around the 8th or final (12ish)day i do my final sugar trim.
leaving the leaves on during dry can slow it down, you want to get to 14 day dry without it molding so be careful, you don't want to go too slow.

If in a humid place i recommend trimming sugar leaves off sooner.

oh yeah and i think carbon filters can kind of isolate the bud smell, once it cures it should come back i hope.
also I leave the whole plant to dry, for the first 3 days, and when i take the fan leaves off i also cut the branches apart and put them on clotheslines. First, further apart, and as they get dry enough i push them together more.

This ensures i get a slow dry with the least possible chance of mold.

you know you did it right if you can smoke before cure and its yummy!
Tell us about your circulation fan... I mean are you using excessive amount of air pressure for some reason? I'm guessing, that's the why you mentioned it the first place, am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
No, its not possible the fans caused it.

Dry them in a comfortable, dark area with indirect air circulation. I like the 70's for temps and the low 60's for humidity. They should take a week to dry.

I hang the plants whole (big fan leaves removed prior to harvest). Then I manicure them and jar them. I have had much better results overall with a long dry and dry trimming.

The plants may smell like hay or cut grass while they are drying. This is the chlorophyl and it will subside in a few days.


Active Member
Geez I wish I had that problem, when I harvest it smells like a skunk farm for weeks ...


Well-Known Member
I supose as long as it smokes good, I'd be happy to do without the house stinking up.