buds light green in the middle?


So when i dig through my buds which the plan started flowering aug 1st, it has some light green lettus looking leafs. I was wondering if that was a bad thing?

Thinking about cutting her down


Well-Known Member
Don't cut anything yet!!! If you don't know what the problem is or if there is a problem. First of all buds grow differently on every strain, many may look the same or similiar at the end product but get there in different ways. Please post some pics, but if it is only light green from new growth you are fine and color lightness is not unusual in new growth especially deep into flower. You also again depending on your strain should be very close to finishing, you are at 10 weeks flower now.


borrowed a magnifing glass from my friend, turns out it is ready! 20%amber/70% cloudy/10% clear! already chopped n drying, first harvest ever pretty happy!