Buds not fattening, thinking about an additional light

They are in a 3.5x3.5 air temp is between 23-25 C and Rh is between 50-55% humidity has been a bitch to control in a bigger tent and a cheap exhaust fan
Yeah, you need more, 30-35 watts/square foot is common with good white lights. Cool air temp will slow growth and more watts will raise the air temp, 27-29 is good with LED. And look into VPD.

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i’ve had the 2 babies under the same light the whole grow at the same intensity level and i am just entering the 4th week of flowering and my buds aren’t fattening up as they should , i am very very tight on budget and can only aford another mars hydro ts600 to add to my tent , the light i am currently running is the marshydro ts1000 which is the stronger version, will a weaker version of lthe light make a huge difference in my grow, or should i just save the money on go on with my current light only?
One picture was taken a week ago
And te other 3-4 days later
I'd be more worried about those yellow spots on the leaves.
i’ve had the 2 babies under the same light the whole grow at the same intensity level and i am just entering the 4th week of flowering and my buds aren’t fattening up as they should , i am very very tight on budget and can only aford another mars hydro ts600 to add to my tent , the light i am currently running is the marshydro ts1000 which is the stronger version, will a weaker version of lthe light make a huge difference in my grow, or should i just save the money on go on with my current light only?
One picture was taken a week ago
And te other 3-4 days later

Looks way behind to me. What's the strain? Is it one with a 12+ week flowering time? I typically grow 8-9 week finishers and they're a lot further along by week 4...good luck
I had a 240W (real watts) LED* in a 2'x4'x5' (8sqft and 30cuft) and it was insufficient. I now have a 600W which when dimmed to 400W is still inadequate (it's ok at 600W). But I also don't have a light mover and one light alone wont cover that 4' length (or 3.5 in your msg).

Just saying IMO that for a 3.5x3.5 space 600W might be better, that or 2 cheaper lights to cover the space more uniformally.

i just upgraded from 400 watt hps to 600 in week 6 of flower and i am blasting them they seem to like the extra light now i need welding goggles to go in the room though
If these are photos reduce light ours from 12/12 t 13/11
Let them go for a 2 weeks
They will improve
If they are autos increase light hours to at least 15/9