Im sure a lot of you have heard this song on the radio, I saw the video a little while back and fucking loved it. Just the way they fall through the ceiling and the funniness of the whole thing. Indian girl is kinda cute too. I don't see how people can hate on this song. Energetic with a good beat, Mozart didn't have lyrics either but people respect it.

Although Mozart makes me want to relax, this shit will make you wanna get up and do something.
Finally got a bit of rain in the area, And as of now im thinking 2 weeks until potted one and 2 weeks more until the rest are done, Just an estimate, but they are hitting the home stretch!.... Ive been bumming now that my cookies are gone, the buzz lasted so much longer than smoking, and now Im feeling it in the lungs. I am getting older, it might be time for a change.