buds seem to have started but no hairs


Well-Known Member
Shes about 3 weeks in flower, everything is going well but... I am seeing buds forming yet no hairs. Now i could be wrong but she is smelling very potent, along with everything tightining up around the tops. so i was wondering does this happen (buds no pistils) or is there some other xplanation? I will load pics 2morrow she is resting as of now.
are you sure you have a female there? you might have a male in flower no hairs and the pollen sacks are swelling. but still ive got to see a pic of what you got.


Well-Known Member
Sorry been busy all day. I cant put a pic up off my phone but as soon as i get to a comp. I will. And i was wondering if males smell soo pungent cuz im telling ya this babyy reeks.


Well-Known Member
Sorry been busy all day. I cant put a pic up off my phone but as soon as i get to a comp. I will. And i was wondering if males smell soo pungent cuz im telling ya this babyy reeks.



Well-Known Member
Allright i see what u guys r saying its prob. Just that the yips are growing mor densely and i thought it was flowering but here are a few more pics . Mabe u guys could let me know if it seems to be healthy. Thanks for all ur guys help.IMAG0213.jpgIMAG0213.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you don't get any pistols ie hairs in the next two week then i would say your looking at males.The 1st thing that you should be seeing is pistols ,but these can take a little longer if your growing from seed.these pistols should start to show soon,really i would exspect to see them all ready.


Well-Known Member
Awsome guys thx lots i had to move it to a closet for the nights cuz there is no way to stop lights from leaking. Btw how healthy does it look? And is that a good amount of tops for a first tome top and lst?


Active Member
i hope youre getting her into the closset at the same time every day. if youre lagging on it, you can stress her into hermie.


Well-Known Member
I have 1 plant doing the same thing, their are calyx on it also, with no hairs. I am keeping a close eye on it. This is why I don't like growing "good" seeds from friends, it will most likely be use for butter. Plenty of THC on it. I'll try to take pics and post them soon.


Well-Known Member
Yea iput it away same time every day faldikar thanks ihope it wont hermiout.
Does this happen often to ya spliffnmylady? Just wondering.


Well-Known Member
Hermies can and will happen in most strains when a plant becomes stressed in some way...and light leaks and such are a big player...so it happens to us all at least a couple of times...


Well-Known Member
and your plants look good...just keep an eye out for them to show sex...how long have you been giving them 12 hours of dark?