Buds smell terrible

Hello everyone,
I am brand new to growing and am working on my first grow right now. I’ve been playing catch-up the entire grow because I started it off with zero research. I just hit the second week of flower and the buds that are forming smell really putrid (not In the good way). However when I cut a branch to see if there was signs of bud rot, the buds smell really nice and fruity after breaking it apart to see the inside. Didn’t see much but I’m nowhere near experienced enough to tell. I have really good airflow throughout the tent but I ordered a dehimidifier just in case my humidity is the culprit. Is this normal to have a poopy kind of smell? It’s coming directly from the buds and not the soil.

RH is 55-60%
Watering after medium dries out completely
Week 2 of flower


Well-Known Member
You need buds for bud rot. Putrid and smells other than skunk are and can be completely normal . In fact I’ve seen that very word, putrid , in strain descriptions before


Active Member
i'm new too, but i've seen someone even reference the smell to "halitosis" and "body odor".. evidently that's a good thing.. also heard the term dumpster juice haha.

i had a bud of my friends blueberry in my pocket a few months ago and was at the store self checkout and the lady worker had to scan my beer she said "smells like shit" to me and walked away, i just laughed

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Let see some pics...my first thought is overwating and root rot...two weeks into flower there ain't shit to break up and inspect. Something sounds off.
Let see some pics...my first thought is overwating and root rot...two weeks into flower there ain't shit to break up and inspect. Something sounds off.
Could it possibly be the runoff that might be doing this? Most of the time I clear the runoff immediately after watering but I have been getting too lazy and letting some of the water sit in the saucer.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I never understood the whole scratch and sniff of stems
Some weed smells great until it is dryed
Some smells like dung till it’s dried
It is part of pheno hunting
Some smells like nothing beginning to end
Thank you all for the extremely quick replies. I apologize about the cringeness but I just got so nervous after over 2 months of playing catchup being the idiot I am.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Good looking plants! And your environment sounds just fine. You're not as big an idiot as you think! It could be the runoff, maybe the nutes just stink? ...but then it would be coming from the pot and not the buds as you describe so maybe it's just a stinky pheno...you only running this one tree or do you have multiple stinkers? Lucky sob if so...may wanna get a carbon filter before it gets out of hand.

As far as letting your plant sit in runoff, I leave mine to suck it back up within 30min, after that it gets dumped back through the pot again and anything left over after another 30min is discarded but mostly there ain't shit there.
Good looking plants! And your environment sounds just fine. You're not as big an idiot as you think! It could be the runoff, maybe the nutes just stink? ...but then it would be coming from the pot and not the buds as you describe so maybe it's just a stinky pheno...you only running this one tree or do you have multiple stinkers? Lucky sob if so...may wanna get a carbon filter before it gets out of hand.

As far as letting your plant sit in runoff, I leave mine to suck it back up within 30min, after that it gets dumped back through the pot again and anything left over after another 30min is discarded but mostly there ain't shit there.
Thanks for the encouraging words! Makes sense about it being a stinky pheno most likely. Right now I have two plants running in different tents, one 2x2 and another 2.5x2.5. The plant in the picture is my plant that got stunted and I have another one which matured much quicker. They both have the same odor with the other plant being a bit more pronounced smell wise. I installed some nice carbon filters before flipping to flower! I’m going to start doing your method for the runoff as well. Really appreciate the help!


Well-Known Member
The stinkiest shit I ever had smelled like someone threw up fruit loops. It's gonna smell a little different on the plant, in the jar (curing), vs the final product.