Buds Smells like Hay!!!


Well-Known Member
this last bag seed i grew has a low odor but it does have a very nice balanced high. it tastes pretty nice too. i usually dry mine in card board boxes. it has to be at least dark at all times when my herb is drying. either card board boxes or brown paper bags. peace.


Well-Known Member
nice looking buds .. could be worse then hay iv picked weed up that smelled like piss because it was basically rotting from not be dried good enuff ... just be patient the advice they all gave u seems to work...


Well-Known Member
It takes longer man. Up to 3 weeks in the jars sometimes... Seriously. It is all about the waiting. Just keep burping your jars for the first several weeks. The smell.. and taste.. will come in time. Be patient. You grew some dank looking buds btw.:) OH.. and only 4days drying?? As long as the big stems are bendy and the little ones are snappy your good for jars.

I was way disappointed too on my first harvest, until about 3 weeks later.
You said "Just keep burping your jars for the first several weeks" what exactly does "burping" mean? Im a noobie & id like to get to know the terminology he he he.


Active Member
it should smell like cut grass
thats the smell of the chlorophyl, once it breaks down it will be fine, your buds are very GREEN, did you lay off the nitrogen a few weeks before you cut? this will reduce the amount of active chlorophyl [which is only needed most during veg]

your potency may have suffered slightly because of an inbalance i wont go into
any extra chloro your buds need, they will rape them from the leaves during the last weeks, [you can tell this when they turn yellow]

dry it as slow as possible. make sure there is a lowered air exchange in the drying room, so they dont become dry within 3 days, or youll retain the hay smell there.

maybe give this 'newb' sum rep


Well-Known Member
You said "Just keep burping your jars for the first several weeks" what exactly does "burping" mean? Im a noobie & id like to get to know the terminology he he he.

I open up the jars for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day and shake the buds around. However, they should be pretty crispy on the outsides with bendy not snappy stems. The longer it takes them to dry the better, then jars and burping. Helps the Chlorophyll break down and gives better taste and smoother smoke. Usually it is dry for 5-10 days depending on air humidity and then cure for a minimum of 2 weeks before it starts coming into its own.


Well-Known Member
Weed cured in glass jars is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than "plucked and stuffed." I'm still buying my stash, but I buy a new stash about a week before the old stash runs out . . . just so I can cure the new stuff a little while.

Patience pays off! You've waited this long, start a new crop and wait a little longer. Please drop us a line and let us know if you've turned "hay" into "HEY!"


Well-Known Member
I open up the jars for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day and shake the buds around. However, they should be pretty crispy on the outsides with bendy not snappy stems. The longer it takes them to dry the better, then jars and burping. Helps the Chlorophyll break down and gives better taste and smoother smoke. Usually it is dry for 5-10 days depending on air humidity and then cure for a minimum of 2 weeks before it starts coming into its own.
Thanks for that quick guide much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
We always thought weed that smelled and tasted like hay was probably dried in a barn on a farm, this proves that wrong.


Active Member
I've had some buds that smelled just like hay before. It didn't look like yours. It was beautiful danky bud too though, lots of crystals, nice green color, just smelled exactly like hay. Maybe they didnt cure it. Never heard of this until now and Ive had alot of diff bud