buds too dry what shal i do?


Well-Known Member
i think there a bit too dry what shal i do and my product doesnt smell like weed it smells just like a "green plant" its got no smell if u get what i mean???any ideas?


New Member
Yeh, mine took 30-35 days to get the "right" smell. If they are reaaly too dry (stem smaps readily and the green turn to powder then I ould recommend a peice of tangerine skin about 1" square for a couple fo hours in your wide mouth lid canning jar.

Tell me how you dried it and hopefully we can keep it from happening again. There is lots of info on the net about proper drying. I cut the large buds off the main plant and have a plain old box about 3' square. I run masking tape every 3-4" and hang the buds so nothing is touching. In 5-7 days I have well dried bud that is ready for the jar. Cut the nugs off, put it in the jar and close the lid. Check it the next morning, take the buds out, kiss them sweetly and put them back in a different order. Do the same thing everyday for a week. Then you can just open the jar for 5 mintues a day to let any moisture escape. Do this for at least 30 days. It smells better everyday. When everything is perfect and the buds are how you like them, put them somewhere dark and not too warm. Some suggest the freezer but I prefer a dark closet that I know stays cool. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
ic ic i have it in jars and opening it for like 5 min or so ever day (read that in some other post) but ya so bout 30 days ish for "the smell"


Well-Known Member
No such thing as too dry, just harsh smoke! Your product will be fine, it will just burn hot. If I get really dry buds, I usually use them in an alcohol tincture, knocks the socks off!!!!


Elite Rolling Society
When I harvest, I save large pieces of the bottom stems. That way, I can throw a one inch long stem, 1/2 inch thick, int he jar, to re-moistion it, if it is too dry. I also bury my stash, in sealed quart jars, out int he oods, in a 5 gallon bucket. When I did up a jar, it is always still fresh, but I take the lid off, and put a damp papertowel on top of the jar for an hour and the buds seem to soak in a little of the moisture and smoke better.


Well-Known Member
well ty for info.......2 weeks sence i harvested the lower branches of mature buds and the dam top cola is still like in only week 5 of flowering it seems like


Well-Known Member
When I harvest, I save large pieces of the bottom stems. That way, I can throw a one inch long stem, 1/2 inch thick, int he jar, to re-moistion it, if it is too dry. I also bury my stash, in sealed quart jars, out int he oods, in a 5 gallon bucket. When I did up a jar, it is always still fresh, but I take the lid off, and put a damp papertowel on top of the jar for an hour and the buds seem to soak in a little of the moisture and smoke better.
That's an interesting storage method. You do this as an alternative to refrigeration?


Elite Rolling Society
I store them in large mouth jars, sealed tight. I bury the jars to keep less than an ounce in the house.

Many growers drain the tank and fill it with plain water, two days before they harvest. (I quit doing that, I could not tell the difference)
I cut the longest branches, put them on a tin-foiled covered tray, and go to my kitchen table. I sort my newly harvested buds by size.
I have three boxes, one for the big FAN leaves. (for oil)
One box for the TRIM leaves, the leaves with trichomes on them, that I manicured odd the buds, FOR HASH. I've manicured much more since I learned how to make HASH. I want some naked STEM at the end of the buds to fasten my tape to, so I can hang it in the drying box.
One Box for the popcorn buds. (small buds with no stems)

I manicure them, and cut the leaves off.
I string masking tape across the box, making rows about 3 or 4 inches a part. I wrap a piece of masking tape, about 4 inches long, around the tip end of the stem, and hang it from the masking tape, in rows, not letting the buds touch each other. VERY IMPORTANT.
I separate the bigger buds from the smaller ones IN DIFFERENT BOXES.
I put the boxes in a dark room, NO DIRECT LIGHT, and blow a gentle oscillating fan across the top, but not on them.
The big buds take 7 days, the smaller ones 5 days.
If you dry them too much, you can add back moisture. If you do not dry them enough, you get wrotten buds.
Dry them til the end of the stem will SNAP when you break it, but not crispy dry.
The big buds take 7 days,the smaller ones 5 days.
Keep them in the dark with little light to see and inspect.
I never smoke them then, NEVER.
I then CURE them 30 days in wide mouth jars, opening the jar for ten seconds EVERYDAY , for 30 days.
Every day, I sniff them, smell them, for any funky moldy smell. If they do not smell right, then dry them outside the jar another day or two.
I've lost one jar, out of hundreds, the 30th day, it went bad. Bud MOLD.

I can not emphasis the importance and difference if you properly manicure, Dry AND Cure them. CURING MAKES A BIG MAJOR DIFFERENCE.
Cure 30 days?
Definitely, I do know for sure, I tried smoking buds cured for a only a week, for two weeks, three weeks and 4 weeks. You should try it too, and you will find what I found. Buds cure 4 weeks not only taste better, they burn better and get you higher too. It has something to do with some scientific complicated SUGAR PROCESSING. or the sugars change . I am 100% sure, you will agree, if you test it like I did. CURE FOR 30 DAYS!

DRYING? They say dry them til the stem will snap. Well, I get stems the thickness of fishing line and I get stems the thickness of a pencil, even bigger. That tells me that you can not DRY them ALL the same amount of time. So I sort mine, fatter stems from skinny stems. The skinny ones, I DRY for 6 or 7 days. The fat ones, I DRY for 7 to 8 days. IF YOU OVER DRY, YOU CAN REMOISTEN THEM. IF YOU DO NOT DRY THEM ENOUGH, THEY WILL ROT ! I dry mine in the open air, moving air, moved with an oscillating fan. A gentle breeze, in temps of what central air or central heat gives me, which is around 75 to 78 degrees and humidity of 30% to 40%.
AND YOU MUST DRY AND CURE THEM IN DARKNESS. LIGHT IS THE ENEMY WHEN DRYING AND CURING. I do DRY mine in a room with the shades pulled down, it is not very dARK, but it is not any direct LIGHT, just some leaking light. I read up on Drying and Curing in 4 books I bought, and the above is what they say.

Save the trim leaves for HASH, you'll be so glad you did.


Active Member
I know this is an old thread but this is perfect news for me, as I just went on vacation and someone that was supposed to water did not, and they have practically dried on the plant. Glad to know it can be fixed. This is good shit! +rep if I could!