

Active Member
I recently had a catastrophe happen.. something fell on my plant..
Thankfully its huge and took it rather well... only 2 leaves broke off..
Heres my question.. if a leaf that was broken off was attached to a forming budsite.. will that budsite stop growing...? Nowhere on internet really teaches why budsites grow where they do.. they just grow at leaf node sites.. because it is what it is.. wondering if that leaf is what powers that site..
Heres a pic of what i mean.. since this leafs gone will this section of flower stop..20200814_182627.jpg


Well-Known Member
It will still grow, no worries. Check out some info on defoliation techniques, not necessarily to try as can be an advanced technique, but just for interest. Its a method where you remove certain fan leaves in order to allow for better airflow through the plant and more light to penetrate through to bud sites.


Active Member
This pos wooden rod fell on my plants .. its held up by a goddamn rotating half a circle.. i was soo mad i just walked away and chainsmoked 3 cigs lol



Active Member
pretty sure it supercropped a branch too...week 2 of flowering.. i dont see a break point but the branch is flimsy.. just kinda propped it up by intertwining its fan leaves w another branch lol


Active Member
worst thing thats ever happened to these plants.. ugh.. spend months makin sure theyre perfect.. and a stupid construction malfunction jeopradizes it all in 1 second


Active Member
woulda demolished em a month ago.. thank god theyre 4 feet tall.. they just ate that shit like nothin lol


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain bro, ive been there a couple times, once it was a light, another time it was my fan and filter, my poor ladies got mashed. They survived though and I bought some chain and chained everything up, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will 100% stop that bud site from ever developing, you have lost 5% yield. I have to say that or else it will contradict the argument that defoliating butchering plants is a good idea :?.


Active Member
i didnt know if defoliation was selective and only allowed for leaves w no budsites forming at their little nook or not.. lol.. hopefully you all realize my utter fear and absolute gutwrenching pain when i saw that bar fall from 7 feet in the air onto my plants..i had a stroke.. i mean the damage was nowhere near what i swore it would be.. but omg.. i duct taped that rod to the wall now ..
And just fyi i ask because i really dont defoliate..i did remove some lower growth that was below the plants natural yellowing fan leaves line.. but otherwise i just let her defoliate herself .


Active Member
i figure also if the rod hit the leaf w enough force there.. it probably harmed the pistils .. just not as noticably


Well-Known Member
i didnt know if defoliation was selective and only allowed for leaves w no budsites forming at their little nook or not.. lol.. hopefully you all realize my utter fear and absolute gutwrenching pain when i saw that bar fall from 7 feet in the air onto my plants..i had a stroke.. i mean the damage was nowhere near what i swore it would be.. but omg.. i duct taped that rod to the wall now ..
And just fyi i ask because i really dont defoliate..i did remove some lower growth that was below the plants natural yellowing fan leaves line.. but otherwise i just let her defoliate herself .
With Defoliation I think it's Growers choice like with a lot of different growing techniques. I know what you're saying, it is selective and there is an art/skill to it. Just look at plants that have been lollipopped, almost half the bottom of the plant is stripped, leaves, bud sites, the lot, but they say it allows the plant to concentrate its energy on creating big top colas. Again, some folks are for this technique, others not so much. It's about choosing a grow style that suits you and your personal situation.


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine and you look to be quite early in flowering so they still have time to heal and bounce back. What week of flowering are you in? They look pretty healthy anyway, do you have any pics with the blurple light off, just because you can't see the plants true colours with it on?