Happiness is enjoying the heart of your cigar in your greenhouse with your happy girls while it is pouring rain and blowing hard outdoors. That was my experience yesterday afternoon. Had time to rework some things. My tote is now nearly full so expect to fill another 50 gallon reserve tank before the afternoon rain comes in. Enjoying a monsoon flow that is giving us warm sunny mornings and then bitch slap isolated thunderstorms that dump hard when they hit you, lasting usually an hour or less. Fun stuff.
Pic 1, wind damage to new growth from growing into fast moving air stream from fan.
Pic 2, wind damage to fan leaf from same.
Pic 3, old mist fan location, see the tote out the window? Of course not, it is camouflaged.
Pic 4, new fan location, no longer misting.
Pics 5 and 6, weight training with crystals to redirect Green Crack growth outward.
Loved the mist fan but no place to aim it now without hitting plants hard. I tried to tie them back but at best it was only going to buy me another week. I've taken 15 degrees off my high temps with the new open side to the greenhouse so that will be have to be good enough for this year. Not really seeing improved growth from the lower temps anyway.