Bugs and bud rot WTF are these things?

There are what seem to be eggs and some rot on some of the colas on my bud. What kind of bugs are these and what can I do about them? Please help! Thanks.training vids 033.jpgtraining vids 034.jpgtraining vids 031.jpgtraining vids 029.jpgtraining vids 028.jpgtraining vids 032.jpgtraining vids 030.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bug or something messed it up good and is now rotting couldn't see any eggs. To bad looked like some frosty stuff.
What are your temps and moisture?


Well-Known Member
caterpillars and that is shit not eggs.they eat from the inside out and move around bud to bud alot.They also leave that bud rot.look for dead leafs on the bud were the rot is and crack the bud open you might find one of them.i use safer brand caterpillar killer.
Thanks for the help guys. I found 5 of those hungry bugs today. They are hard find. Is that Safer Caterpillar Killer OK to spray so close to harvest?


Active Member
yes they are hard to find..my first bud i harvested had the most damage and went through a lot of my other bud and found those tiny fuckers in some of the tips...the bud can be rescued if found early but you must keep moths/butterflies from landing on your plant.

there are some moth traps out there at like homedepot/lowes. I would also recommend using a mosquito net like the one below...although its quite late now to start using this, i would recommend every outdoor grower use these going forward...they work better on shorter plants (indica) because they aren't very long in height. i might consider doing a double layer just to be safe. They are mesh so light/air will go in and keep the bad bugs out..you can even but ladybugs or other beneficial bugs (trichogamma wasps for killing catepillar eggs) in with this too!!

I also would suggest that you go through every single bud especially the tips. you'll have to bend back the buds on your colas to see whats going on... i don't think any foliar could penetrate that deep...highly impossible. i'm doing this and its no easy task...very time consuming...make sure you under a bright light because newly hatched worms are hard to see but you've gotta find them or else.

I never hated butterflies and moths so much until now!!



Active Member
Damn, those look like hell to have! What promotes these things to come to your garden?
moths and butterflies lay their eggs on the plant and they hatch inside the bud...interesting but very devastating to bud...those little shits give me the woolies...i hate wiggly bugs :(


Well-Known Member
another option, that helps with bug **PREVENTION** is using a slick piece of paper/cardboard material, like a carton of juice, that feel, and putting it as a wall around them, the bugs cant climb it. at this point, id spray like a mofo


Active Member
That doesn't apply to budworms though on a cannabis plant. Catepillars maybe...all the catepillars i had were born on or inside the plant...you can use copper tape around the container to keep some crawlers like snails and slugs away too.


Active Member
the key thing here is too keep moths and butteflies off the plant...kinda hard to do but the net is best thing i can think of for the outdoors...moth traps may work as well..bug zappers and frequent insect spray around the yard and bushes, etc.


Well-Known Member
yes they are hard to find..my first bud i harvested had the most damage and went through a lot of my other bud and found those tiny fuckers in some of the tips...the bud can be rescued if found early but you must keep moths/butterflies from landing on your plant.

there are some moth traps out there at like homedepot/lowes. I would also recommend using a mosquito net like the one below...although its quite late now to start using this, i would recommend every outdoor grower use these going forward...they work better on shorter plants (indica) because they aren't very long in height. i might consider doing a double layer just to be safe. They are mesh so light/air will go in and keep the bad bugs out..you can even but ladybugs or other beneficial bugs (trichogamma wasps for killing catepillar eggs) in with this too!!

I also would suggest that you go through every single bud especially the tips. you'll have to bend back the buds on your colas to see whats going on... i don't think any foliar could penetrate that deep...highly impossible. i'm doing this and its no easy task...very time consuming...make sure you under a bright light because newly hatched worms are hard to see but you've gotta find them or else.

I never hated butterflies and moths so much until now!!

Bro, The security and area of your grow worry me. is that your back yard and a bunch of other houses over looking it?


Active Member
you're probably also seeing our storage shed...it looks like a little red house...i might consider converting that to an indoor grow one day :)


Well-Known Member
you're probably also seeing our storage shed...it looks like a little red house...i might consider converting that to an indoor grow one day :)
Sounds like a good plan. You can probably control the bug situation much better in that shed. Hope you all the best


Active Member
so I bought trichgramma from organic control .com ...these little tiny flies lay their eggs in caterpillar eggs and parisitize them and they also eat the larvaes ....the flies dont poop on your plant or eat it only the worms and they work 100 percent last year at least five hundred caterpillars...this year maybee twenty...plus i feed with safer, foiliar spraying is pretty much pointless compared to drenching the results are extremely marginal. imo