Bugs in late flower


Well-Known Member
Atleast the essential oil you can consume thats what they are essential made for.. Got to a nordic spa they put the oil a steam it for you to breath in aand you don't need it to remain their. You use it once iy does the trich. Then a few days later. You spread the plant in the morning to wash of the oil from the plant and since it was well diluted it takes no time to wash of with few water spray. The smell should be gone in no time and so are the aphids. The living ones left should be moving in other part of the house avoidind this area completly. I went to school in horticulture i'm well advance in my technic was ahead of my class and ahead of many teachers. I'm specialise in cannabis since its my favorite plante. I get paid 30$ an hour doing barely nothing has an hirticulture. Trust me low amount if oil isen't going to do much to arm the plant other then get ride of the probleme. Like i said. The key here is low amount takes you a long way.. Few spray around affected area. Remove the plant ant spay the plant. Remove infestation manually and thats what it is.. You don't need much. Stop scaring the guy


Well-Known Member
Lets say you make a littre of solution. Or 500 mill. And you use rosemary, thyme peppermint and whatever yiu pit your hands on listed. Just had 2 drop of each. Essentiel oil is very strong for insect and yes it can mess with your plant at high dosage. But 10 drop in a littre is very dilluted. After well shaken. It will be so scars. That a few spray over all should be enought to discourage feeding and at these ratio you don't have to worry about pooring half the bottle in your grow area. At less say 5 drops of each essetial oil. Peperminy clove rosemary thyme lemon. The solution is considerd strong for insect and will kill them on contact.. Any ration higger then that is not needed. And will clog stomats and cause burn like marks in higrr ration. So yeah essential oil wil lat you a long time. The key after eradication. Is to keep grow space clean and use a strongrr solution to spray the grow area every once in a while, will keep your house smelling fresh. Read up on essential oil. Medical marijuana grow op are beganing to find natural solution for theur medecine and its the hot topic lately
One of my friend that works at medical ask me thru a conversation once. And after showing him reasearch. I like the fact. Lot of people go way over head sometime for stupid things. Pesticides and all that crap is a thing of the past. You don't mosanto and all their friends in yohr garden
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Active Member
i have a larger area...i might have overdone it though based on your recommendation. i put 1 drop per 2 0z of water. and one tiny drop of dish soap for a 2l bottle. so total about 10-15 drops of each. Sprayed on monday night 30 mins before lights out, but already these pesky little things are back with webs. how often should i be spraying?

also should i also be spraying with water a few days later to wash off the oil from the flowers?

sorry OP didnt mean to hijack your thread, did your pest problem work??
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Well-Known Member
i have a larger area...i might have overdone it though based on your recommendation. i put 1 drop per 2 0z of water. and one tiny drop of dish soap for a 2l bottle. so total about 10-15 drops of each. Sprayed on monday night 30 mins before lights out, but already these pesky little things are back with webs. how often should i be spraying?

also should i also be spraying with water a few days later to wash off the oil from the flowers?

sorry OP didnt mean to hijack your thread, did your pest problem work??

hey dude, if you have webs on buds you have a stage 2 serious spider mite problem. spider mites can usually first be detected by bite marks on the leaves, then spotted on the underside of the leaves, and webs is the final stage.

spraying these essential oils on your buds will change the flavor and make them borderline un-smokable. how far a long are you? with spider mites in late flower most people recommend not actually spraying but vacuuming the webs off the buds. Long story short, I'm sorry to tell you what you've got is just about the worst situation a bud grower can have. if you see webs on your buds its too late. you will need to stop the grow at some point and completely sterilize the space and all your equipment. depending how your current run looks i might cut losses now.

really consider how those mites got in there. do you have pets? make sure to keep the door to your grow space closed while the door to your house is open. avoid going in the grow space after coming in from outdoors. don't let your pets near your plants. don't bring in clones/plants from foreign growers or your backyard into your grow space, etc. spider mites are much easier to prevent than to get rid of once you have them.


Well-Known Member
just started week 3 of flower.

it has to be from the clones i got
that is the most common culprit. in week 3 you might be okay to spray now if the plants still have 6+ weeks left then the residual oil might work its way off. but whenever i get clones from another grower i keep them in quarantine and treat them multiple times with pesticides as a preventative measure.


Active Member
the plan was to spray and then usually a day later i go in and mist/spray this time with plain water. i was hoping they would have been all dead but doesnt seem like it. so now i may have to go spray w pepermint again, wait a day or two and spray w water after. girls are looking really nice too. desperately trying to find a solution.

i also defoliated the girls on day 21 and sprayed day 22. its now about day 25....hoping to get this resolved


Well-Known Member
the plan was to spray and then usually a day later i go in and mist/spray this time with plain water. i was hoping they would have been all dead but doesnt seem like it. so now i may have to go spray w pepermint again, wait a day or two and spray w water after. girls are looking really nice too. desperately trying to find a solution.

i also defoliated the girls on day 21 and sprayed day 22. its now about day 25....hoping to get this resolved
the one time i had 2 spotted spider mites, which are the hardest to get rid of and sounds like what you've got, what did the trick for me was neem oil. two treatments of neem oil about a week apart. the only thing is its hard on the flowers and leaves a residue that lasts for like 40-50 days. so its not ideal. but that worked for me. good luck to you.

this stuff:


Active Member
the one time i had 2 spotted spider mites, which are the hardest to get rid of and sounds like what you've got, what did the trick for me was neem oil. two treatments of neem oil about a week apart. the only thing is its hard on the flowers and leaves a residue that lasts for like 40-50 days. so its not ideal. but that worked for me. good luck to you.

this stuff:
bonide neem oil any different than regular neem? if so ive already used neem on vegetative plants


Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry to hear your mite infestation is alreadybthis far. I would vaccum as much as i can. And you have to do this treatment recularly. Your dosing seem about right. Do the spraying during the day early on. Raise yojr humidity level and vaccum these fucker out. I would spray regularly since you are only in early flowering stage.
Use the vaccum and spray most affected are more. In this early of flowering you won't damage growth or create probleme. You can alway was it off after. 5 week is a fair amount of time for smell to dissipate. And you can also take you pante into the shower and cover the base to avoid waterung the plant with chlorinated water. And was of the leaf. I would take right in the bath tube and dunk it upside down after i vaccumed. ( and would prepare a bucket od dechlorinated water to spray the leaf to get ride of the tap water on foliage after... Then i would spray the essential oil solution. So this would be a manual and a mecanical removal of spider mites. The apply the solution... I would also advise to while the plants are been washed to either have someone to clean the grow space. Floor and wall. Pure alchole and bleach chance is that they are everywhere. Then after its wached spray crorner and floor with solution. Then put you plant back and keep a close eyes. Yoi still have a chance at iradicating it from your plant. But if you wait to long trichome will start to formes and you won't be able to do much. I would start tonight or first thing in the morning.. The next stage will be when the spider mites start killing the host by feeding on the plant sap and destroying cytoplast cell responsible for for photosyntesis. And yoir plant will start eating itselff for nutes and may stop grow if buds and whats not...

So take the advice. Clean the plant good and give it a good bath after... Spray alchool dilutes 1part per 10 part if you have too. But wash that of after. So dunk it again. Your plant wont be to much affected and might even enjoi been dunked. I clean the mess after. Spray perroxyde on top of soil just a little to discourage any living pest to dye on top of soil. But do it very thinly. Dilute it 50%50. This way when you water ut will diluted enough to not be a probleme for bioorganism living in the soil. But don't wait.. Or you'll lose it all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i forgot to mention i studied at montreal botanical garden. And in our phytoprotevtion class. We are thought two thing on spider mite.

The first.
Before winter spdermite changes colors to a darker amber/orange. This create a pesticide resistence. Don't put the oil and the soap together they can weaken the solution do them on seperate days.
Second thing. The spiderweb is used as a protection for them and the egg and larvea. If you spray on it it will not go thru. It need to be manually removed.

And a third one. If you have any house plantes that came from outside or that are closed ti a window. They could be from were it started from any ivy plant could be filled with them so check this also.

Throw some essential oil into that grow room. Corner and all to force them to want to relocate elsewere. Chance are they will stop reproducing and you'll be able to beat it. And breaking the reproduction cycle.

I'd go hard


Well-Known Member
Hate fucking bugs .... and pest chems.

Either of these work well.

1. Spray Bottle with 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol ( 70% or better ) .... Everclear ( grain ) is even better.
Add 6-8 drops of plain dish soap ( no fragrance ) ... shake well , mist plant over and under.

This is a simple yet effective insecticidal soap .

The spray has the soap to allow the solution to help stick and penetrate the insects abdomen and respiratory organs.
The alcohol kills on contact yet vapes off quickly .... allowing multiple treats for control. I was able to use during lights on with no issues. I would use on lights and then at lights off. But with this you can be as aggressive as needed. It will kill many bugs ....
Aphids , mites , flies , scale ( see next on below ) , gnats ... etc.

2. Deathmaster :
Spray bottle with straight 100% rubbing alcohol or everclear ( not much is needed ) lol.
Use MIST ONLY - you use lightly .... it evaporates fast but you need very little to kill the fuck out of them.
Everclear I only used the finest spray setting I could do and found a small travel size pump spray was perfect.
Over application CAN burn your plants up. I had to spray Death first , wait a minute then spray plain water to null it.

This is about as nuclear as it gets ... young plants are better suited for the insecticidal soap version. Make you avoid your flowers.

It burns the pistils ..... however on the stalk , fans , branches , nodes it’s game on. I usually pull plant , twist fans in hand to expose underside ... mist ... then mist top. During lights on bugs will move underside. This spray can be used on topsoil / medium surface to kill larvae and moving adults.