

New Member
Maybe mites? Anyone know?
tried treating it with hydrogen peroxide to little effect
Also been trying earths ally 3 in 1 but they just keep coming back. I’m on week 5 of flowering so didn’t really want to use a pesticide like sevin. Any ideas on how to treat ?


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It doesn’t look like the bugs are on your plants man so what’s to worry about?
Coming from your soil mix?
If they are bugging you too much you could always relocate your plants for a day and fumigate your tent/room?
But your pictures show bugs on a white surface - so maybe that’s what the bugs like? The white surface?
Hard to tell. Are you seeing leaf damage that would suggest a mite issue?1694879988002.png

Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to divvy out an ounce of prevention. I use Citric Acid @ 1 tsp per pint of water in a medium sized spray bottle. Be sure to get under the leaves as well as all stems. Mist the soil as well. I have found this works great at keeping them under control. It is not going to get rid of them all so you will need to re-apply every couple weeks or sooner if you see further damage.
That picture is on the underside of one of the leaves actually.
There is plenty of damage to leaves I’ve been fighting this for a few weeks now. Brought it back from almost dying but they keep coming back. I’ll try the citric acid though thank you!


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try bonide captain jack's dead bug brew.
i used it for the first time a few days ago. i had thrips, spidermites and caterpillars running around my outdoor grow. 3-4 days after the spray and there is STILL zero bug activity.

plant leaves took a beating from the bugs, but plants still otherwise healthy and hanging in there in various stages of flower. a LOT of people on here use it and recommend it for organic grows, so i gave it a shot. i'm kind of impressed after trying several other commercial and DIY organics for a few years now with limited success.

this stuff would make johnny rico PROUD.

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