bugs >.<


Well-Known Member
i'm growing in my dusty crusty old closet...i vaccumed a bit but ya know there are still all sorts of strange particles and crap... anyways today i saw a small yellowish bug crawling across the lid of my growing medium and i gave her the ole' GENO SMASH! but anyway...i dunno its only been 2 weeks from seed and i already have creepy crawlies that i fear and despise popping up. are there any cheap easy methods to keep these buggers off of my compact hydro/aero system? preferabley that dont require posionus or any chemical sprays


Well-Known Member
General remedy. Tobacco keeps pests away from vegetables why not pot. Look for the natural ones (there are some time honored pest control methods)


Active Member
Cheap remedy........Blow smoke on the plant. Everytime you burn, blow the smoke on the plant. Don't know if it will work but at least you get high trying....bongsmilie


Active Member
Sticky paper for now, that way you can get a more accurate idea of how many inscects there are, and of what types.:spew:


New Member
Spray the baseboards in your closet with a bug spray like RAID. A bug or two in the area of the plant is no big deal. What you REALLY want to watch for are Spider Mites and Fungus Gnats. Keep your growing area really clean at all times. Pretend that you are sleeping in the area ... cuz that's what the plants are doing.



Well-Known Member
lol jk, damnit man spider mites and fungus gnats are my worst fear...i try to keep it clean as possible but strange dog hairs find there way all over my house and it is rather dusty. maybe i'll move mah baybes out for like 10 minutes and do some dusting


Well-Known Member
you should drop some kind of nuclear bug bomb in there. then you start off clean. your fungus gnats will come from poor soil. i bought miracle grow. every bag comes with fungus gnats included. any mites i've come across were from clones brought in from other gardens. if you start with a clean room and clean soil and screen any intake vents you should be ok. or just buy a cat.........


Well-Known Member
i'm growing in my dusty crusty old closet...i vaccumed a bit but ya know there are still all sorts of strange particles and crap... anyways today i saw a small yellowish bug crawling across the lid of my growing medium and i gave her the ole' GENO SMASH! but anyway...i dunno its only been 2 weeks from seed and i already have creepy crawlies that i fear and despise popping up. are there any cheap easy methods to keep these buggers off of my compact hydro/aero system? preferabley that dont require posionus or any chemical sprays
if yo u dont mind moving your plants out and of course can do so,i usually let or bug bombs in any grow area i am going to put plants in ,i spray surface spray on entrance area,that is the last the area see of toxic shit,and i put my plants in after a day or two,so far as i have aircon ,fans blowing like crazy co.2 etc no bugs seem to like it in there,i also put a thin layer of grease on doorsides and top and bottom,mixed with chilli powder and such and i dont even like going in there in case i stand on the shit,the plants are healthy and i have not seen a bug in there yet,touch wood.
sorry had a joint ,abit of a ramble.:spew: