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Hello! I’m interested in coots recipe. I’m running no till indoors in 25 gallon fabric pots. They have three recipes based off of Coots recipes. Since I’ll be sourcing local compost which is crumbly, light and texture like coffee grinds(composted wood, bark fines). Through searching the web I believe that composted wood are naturally really high in potassium which could cause imbalance and prohibiting the growth of mycorrizhal fungi. So my train of thought is to use the recipe I’ve posted and top dress if deficiencies occur. The second recipe is much lighter in amendments and the base soil mix is different from the original coots recipe. Also most likely going to add the full amount of basalt(2 cups per cubic feet), add oyster flour(1 cup per cubic feet), and gypsum(1 cup per cubic feet). Possibly thinking of reducing the peat and adding a bit more aeration and compost. What’s your thoughts?? Thanks!
Here’s the link
Here’s the link

How to Make Soil from Scratch with 3 Proven Soil Building Recipes - Complete Instructions
Downloadable PDF Guide. Have you ever wondered how soil companies find the perfect recipe? Learn the secret to building your perfect organic soil.

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