building a grow box/cab for cheap?


Active Member
Well, if you're not tired of just me yet... tons of pics of cabinets on here, best way to find them is use google, the search function on these forums(all forums) is terrible, just in case you don't know, you can go to google and do this:

"grow cabinet" building

and it will bring back individual posts from this site(or whatever site you put in there) instead of whole threads, I use quotes for the search term because it looks only for that exact phrase

this looks like a pretty good deal to me if it stays under 150(cheap shipping too)

that would probably take care of what you have now
stick that in a 4x4x6 cabinet with a couple intake fans and mylar on the walls(spray adhesive, stuff will knock you out without good ventilation while you spray it though :) )(also ebay about 30$ a roll, get the 2 mil thickness) and youll be moving

Again, just from regular gardeing principles(a good tomato plant in square foot gardening can be done in 3-4 square feet and pot doesnt produce 1 pound fruits..though that would be nice) , yes I would think 4-5 plants is doable in a 4x4 box and yeah on the seperate boxes, thats how Ill go after I get better at it, especially if you get into cloning and stuff but definitly 2 boxes so you can have vegging and flowering at the same time(the vegging box could be smaller though, assuming you dont veg longer than a month maybe) and then a seedling box or for cloning or something, just wish I was legal, it does simplify some things, trust me :)
Lighting is a big conundrum, even Im struggling with all the options and I have ballasts and cfls all over the damn place... Ive seen on here 4-5 plants done with MH/HPS and with CFLs and combos of both, honestly though, people argue constantly about what is best and tempers flare sometimes, I think any way you go, as long as you pay attention to your plants any lighting set up(within reason) will do a good job as long as you watch the temperatures(air temps) and they get a good amount of light
As for color temperatures of the bulbs themselves, well, again on here you can find about any combo and they all work to some extent, its generally considered blue(6500K) for veggin and 2700K for flowering(CFLs even at wal mart has those numbers on them) and theres every variation on times on here too, generally 18 hours on, 6 off for vegging and 12/12 for flowering is standard though
I just keep telling myself, that its just a plant, its not a nuclear reactor, have some fun growing them and dont stress too much... some light, some water, a little fertilizer and pay attention to them ... but we'll see how my grow goes :) I'm growing mine mostly for medical use for my wife so I might stress a little... but at 400 an oz around here with no guarantee of quality, a 400-500$ investment and some care should easily pay for itself with plenty left over, just read all you can here like Im doing and go for it, the worst thatll happen(barring disaster) is youll get a few grams off a few plants and decide if growing is for you or not, personally I had fun just building the box and watching my bagseed grow for the last 3 weeks.


Active Member
OOPS! meant exhaust fans not intake, thats just a couple of holes.... also if you go MH/HPS ,from previous DIY stuff, don't touch the bulbs with your hands(when off I mean) the oils on your fingers can cause the bulb to weaken at those spots, wipe the glass off really well with a litlle iso alcohol if you do touch the glass


Active Member
I just built my cab from scratch not sure on total price but well under 800$ and I plan on having about 8 clones flowering in it at all time. I have a seperate room for veg, mothers and clones. I think after buying everything fully outfitted it cost around 1100 including lights exhaust intake carbon srubber mylar all that

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
4x 8ftx4ft boards that's 1 each for the sides and back and 1 cut in half for the bottom and top, what ever timber you can get to screw it together i'd use 2x2inch baton, next step framing the door again a sheet of board cut into 6inch strips this is just to put a frame around the door way run velcro strips down the framing and hang plastic sheeting from the top and run the opposite velcro down the opposite side of the sheeting and then fix to the top, by now your box should be good to go just waiting on your electricals i imagine with a 600w hps fan and filter flat white paint should come in at a lot less than $800 here in the uk i priced up the same setup using osb (sterling board) 3/4inch and it came in at roughly £350 with an estimated build time of an hour max. 1 other thing put the baton on the inside of the box and then you still have the 4x4x8 to use minus 2 inches around the edge of the box but with foliage i can't imagine getting a pot up against it


Active Member
OP, I was in the same situation a few months ago with about the same budget. So here's what I did...

5 sheets 1/2" ply
12 2x2's
1 box screws
2 2x3 (skids)


It's 4'x4'x75" and the materials cost $130. I built it as tall as I could because I want to grow different strains and I understand some of them get pretty tall.

I used a $3.96 window blind from home depot to hang my light because I want to raise and lower it for misting. Cut all the cords except the ones that pull the blind up and everything slides right off. The cord catch is tricky, but if you snag it right, it will hold everytime + there are sliders (pic) that will prevent your light from crashing into your plants if the catch fails.


The light was $159 (400w digital) and the vent fan was $25. You may need a more powerful vent fan depending on your ambient temps (basements are nice and cool). All together this cabinet cost about $400.

For veg/clone I'm making a cfl board.

The cost is under $6 per light at $50 for everything in the pic. I plan on doubling that with 8 socket splitters for a total of 16 26w cfls (400w) and a total cost of $100

Most of what I learned came from reading threads exactly like this one. Take some ideas from different people and do what works best for you.



Active Member
yea really depends on the wood you use and how big here is one 5ft. H x1.5ft. D x4ftW. Ive seen it done for about $40 Separate vegging and flowering chambers.hinges and latches too. everything but lights, exhaust fan, etc.:weed:

