as to floating foggers, which I tried, they are no bueno for a number of reasons
* the water get too hot
* the fog cannot lift the nutrients up
* any ppm above 300 quickly wears out the ceramic discs
The beauty f HA is that spits the nutes out under pressure ~ 80-m100 PSI which fills the root chamber and when the pause cycle comes on, the fog/droplets gently fall on the roots
I am using a 260 gph pump with hpa mist heads, but, without a filter the heads are constantly clogging
I wrapped the pump in cheese cloth, but that doesn't really help much
My idea was to just start the 3 females in this, and once big enough, then transfer to my F & , BUT, the clogging set root development way back, so I left them in this set up. It's amazing they survived at all, and have grown with decent buds, though all 3 equal one when done correctly
Pics from late last week. due to partial clogging the spray does not spread ut as it should, hence the water droplets hanging on the roots