Building single-plant growbox, I want your opinions!

if you cant find something tubular like that ill bet it could be made with a wood frame and a "tent" of mylar
what is that diagram made out of? on page 11?
what can that be made out of?

That would be what the side view of my box looked like if you were to cut it in half lol. It is made out of styrofoam, you could probably make it out of just about anything if you get creative. Giant rubbermaid containers would probably work equally as well but might cost you a bit more, I'm not sure. Or like KaleoXxX suggested you could also build yourself something from nothing if you have the tools.
fractus- sorry to hear bout the male. but it happens to the best of us. those new sprouts look alot healthier than the last one so hopefully they really pick up here in the next few days. looks like your lights are way too high again tho so u might wanna pimp out the top of the last box again and just use one for the time being. once they grow bigger then double it up like you have it now.
The lights are sitting probably 5 inches away from the tops of the plants right now, and I'm only using the four bulbs at the moment. In the last 12 hours there is a new set of leaves that wasn't there before. I think it will be ok, I'd kinda like to just leave it a lone for a while haha I've done so much rearranging it's getting monotonous, and I think this will work actually.
Guys holy hell! I have my old plant still, just chopped off at the truck. The bottom of it is like wood. But anyway after what KaleoXxX posted there about the guy smoking the male, I tried it. I'm high as a damn kite! I know what high is and I'm no lightweight, but I'm tellin ya i got like 3/4 of the high I would have from straight bud, I swear. I picked the top part of the plant where bunches of new leaf development was starting before i killed it. Had little balls in and around it too (but the bigger ones are a few nodes down), still green and wet. I tossed it in the vaporiser for like 15 minutes and smoked that for a bit while cooking and drying it out. Didn't really feel anything yet but I could taste the THC in it. You all know what I'm mean if you ever used one before. It tasted RIGHT. Anyway Then I shut off the vaporiser and let it cool down, took the dried shit and loaded a bong with it, DIRTY-ASS smoke, tasted terrible. Like chlorophyll lol. But regardless, within no more than 5 minutes after, I was stoned. I'm still stoned. But like a whole body stoned, not like lazy-zoned-out stoned, you know? It's great!! Now I'm excited because I know I can smoke this for at least a week and feel great haha, and 2 more in the oven ;) Hoping one of the next ones is female though because I'm sure it'll be much better than this.
Guys holy hell! I have my old plant still, just chopped off at the truck. The bottom of it is like wood. But anyway after what KaleoXxX posted there about the guy smoking the male, I tried it. I'm high as a damn kite! I know what high is and I'm no lightweight, but I'm tellin ya i got like 3/4 of the high I would have from straight bud, I swear. I picked the top part of the plant where bunches of new leaf development was starting before i killed it. Had little balls in and around it too (but the bigger ones are a few nodes down), still green and wet. I tossed it in the vaporiser for like 15 minutes and smoked that for a bit while cooking and drying it out. Didn't really feel anything yet but I could taste the THC in it. You all know what I'm mean if you ever used one before. It tasted RIGHT. Anyway Then I shut off the vaporiser and let it cool down, took the dried shit and loaded a bong with it, DIRTY-ASS smoke, tasted terrible. Like chlorophyll lol. But regardless, within no more than 5 minutes after, I was stoned. I'm still stoned. But like a whole body stoned, not like lazy-zoned-out stoned, you know? It's great!! Now I'm excited because I know I can smoke this for at least a week and feel great haha, and 2 more in the oven ;) Hoping one of the next ones is female though because I'm sure it'll be much better than this.

Hi Fructus, ive been folowing your thread since you started posting with interest, sorry your 1st plant was male by the way.
are you sure that there wasnt any old bud or resin left in your vapouriser as i was under the impression there was NO thc in males?
They definitely still have it. I let some dry out in direct sunlight through a window for a while and then rolled a joint with it later in the day. It still worked.. But it's a very strange taste lol, not very pleasant to be honest but it's bearable if you're desperate for a fix. I may attempt to extract oil from the rest of it tomorrow. See how much I can get out of it.
They definitely still have it. I let some dry out in direct sunlight through a window for a while and then rolled a joint with it later in the day. It still worked.. But it's a very strange taste lol, not very pleasant to be honest but it's bearable if you're desperate for a fix. I may attempt to extract oil from the rest of it tomorrow. See how much I can get out of it.

and you say your not a lightweight ? then i hate to tell you this but you have been out of real bud long enough to get the lightweight of the fuckin g year award man
there is not only 85% less thc in a male plant but yours wasnt even full grown i mean no offence but are you like a 13 yr old in his moms house ?
cause the only ppl i know that would get high offa a male are kids
and to be honest if u wanted to try and get high offa it you would have been better off eating it as cannabis is stronger if u ingest it

also on a side note first u ripped it out and trashed it then u found it then u tell the last dude u were drying it to begin with ?
you sound like your fulla shit to me and i agree with gypsy your not worth the time or effort

morons make me wanna puke
Male Marijuana plants do in fact grow THC. The Male flowers contain THC, but a much smaller amount than the Female flowers. Male plants also produce THC on their leaves, but again, it is a much lower content than from Female leaves.

Male plants are rarely harvested as the flowers have a low THC content. Female plants can have as much as 20% THC content on the flowers, while Male may only grow as much as 3% THC content on the flowers. From personal experience, I have harvested a 3 month male marijuana plant, and made cannabutter from all the leaves and flowers. The end result was very disappointing; it wasn't even strong enough to give a high.
and you say your not a lightweight ? then i hate to tell you this but you have been out of real bud long enough to get the lightweight of the fuckin g year award man
there is not only 85% less thc in a male plant but yours wasnt even full grown i mean no offence but are you like a 13 yr old in his moms house ?
cause the only ppl i know that would get high offa a male are kids
and to be honest if u wanted to try and get high offa it you would have been better off eating it as cannabis is stronger if u ingest it

also on a side note first u ripped it out and trashed it then u found it then u tell the last dude u were drying it to begin with ?
you sound like your fulla shit to me and i agree with gypsy your not worth the time or effort

Take it somewhere else dude I don't want your shit in my thread. Go read some more and then come back. I smoke anywhere from 2-5 grams of M39 daily because I'm good friends with several dealers and that's what's most common around here, it falls into my hands like it's worthless. I'm very familiar with it's effects, but yesterday my first bake of the day was my male and it worked, I really don't care what you say or think about that. And where the hell do you get off making shit up like saying that I said "I trashed it"?? I never said I threw it out. I've had it hanging since i cut it down. Nice try though. Don't come back.

morons make me wanna puke

fractus- im sorry to gang up on you on this one too but if you smoked a male that just switched over into flower than it would hvae hardly any THC in it. the most THC found on a male plant is on the pollen sacs that open up late in flower for the males. im pretty sure yours didnt get to nearly reach this point therefore having a very tiny amount of THC running through it. if you got noticeably high off of it then you do SOUND like a complete lightweight no matter how much you say you smoke daily. i cant b the judge cause im not personally there watching you everyday but like i said, it SOUNDS like your a lightweight. your plant probably had less than 3% THC in it and if that can get you high than i dont kno whats going to happen when you hit some real dank. you might take off and fly away like in half baked hahahha.
and you say your not a lightweight ? then i hate to tell you this but you have been out of real bud long enough to get the lightweight of the fuckin g year award man
there is not only 85% less thc in a male plant but yours wasnt even full grown i mean no offence but are you like a 13 yr old in his moms house ?
cause the only ppl i know that would get high offa a male are kids
and to be honest if u wanted to try and get high offa it you would have been better off eating it as cannabis is stronger if u ingest it

also on a side note first u ripped it out and trashed it then u found it then u tell the last dude u were drying it to begin with ?
you sound like your fulla shit to me and i agree with gypsy your not worth the time or effort

morons make me wanna puke

why dont you try it before you bash someone for it man

i read this post saying this guy was doing an experiment and wanted to smoke his male plant. i heard my bud fractus was unlucky enough to get him self a male. so i linked it for him and he tried it, no big deal! he caught a little buzz, how you gonna bash him for making the best of the situation?

and this guy signs up just to be a prick on the subject!

the one time i was unlucky enough to have to smoke male leafs we smoked a joint of it and it was terible. so we bought a 20bag of mids and rolled fat ass blunts of the mids and leafs all day long

how are the new babies coming out man?
I make great balls of hash from my male plants, and get blazed. they can get you high!!
THANK YOU haha. Even though I haven't made any oil just yet, I'm still letting my plant dry. I just needed someone to vouche for the fact that it can be done. The stoned I get from it is like an oil high. Like I decribed before, not-lazy-good-mood-body-stoned. It's quite enjoyable if you don't mind the flavor haha. But it's not to the extent that you can twist yourself on good budds. I admit that. I've had my share of ridiculous smoke sessions. A lottle off topic here, but one time we rolled & smoked a foot long 15gram blunt, me and three buddies closed ourselves in the shower room, vent turned off, shower on hot, steaming the place to hell. Maybe some of you have heard of this "Jamaican Shower" before but I'll tell you this, after 15 minutes on that thing in that room nobody wanted to be in there anymore lol. We were laying on the floor to get more air haha.. Good times.

how are the new babies coming out man?


It's still adjusting to the new environment I think, but you can see the new leaves in the tops are darker green than the rest so it's on the right path :)
looks nice man. ive never heard of a Jamaican shower, but ive smoke a few blunts bigger than a half o and ive fishbowled my share of bathrooms. i can imagine it would be intense
nope i bashed him because unlike you i have read this entire thread and am sick of his bullshit :D
and he is a lightweight and i bashed him for that and talking shit
as for making the best i told him to have made the best he should have ATE THE FUCKING THING :D
you like he aare of the moron class and frankly not worth my time but i will educate your stupid asses as i fucking see fit
dont like it ?
call the fucking cops :D
or tell your moms
because they are the only ones who are gonna give a fuck and as for u having a jamacian shower you do realise thats not a black man taking a piss on you and your mom in the bath right ?

just checking
stupid ppl man
they really make ya laugh
Fructus i though your male had only just started the flowering stage? So the pollen sacs dont start to form on a few days of flowering? Did you have sacs to open or what?
Jamacan if i hadent have read your description id have thought that was similar to a golden shower lol