Building Stand with 1.25" PVC ?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to build a stand for the 3x3' tray I have as the packaged stands at hydro shops are usually around $200. It looks simple enough. A few lengths of PVC, a few elbows and T's....

Thing is I suck at building anything that requires any amount of patience. I cant seem to get the stand square, my measurements are always off and it has the stability of a newborn fawn.

I am going to keep working on it though. Just wanted to know the structural integrity of PVC and what the minimus diameter is when building structure that will be bearing weight.

I am not growing hydro this run. I am using it as a runoff tray for four 3 gallon pots of soil. After that, I will be using coco and a DTW auto drip feed. I think the most it would have to handle is 50lbs or so.

Also, I cant seem to come up with a good leg layout. I have them near the corners and it just feels too wobbly. I was thinking I would have to connect the legs to each other to anchor them. The though of me trying to measure and cut leg supports is making $200 sound cheaper and cheaper.

I really want to make my room/setup look clean, which is why I dont just use milk crates or something.

Anyone build with PVC? And tips? Plans?


Well-Known Member
Hell ya! go to and get busy, they have it all and reasonable, I suggest using 1-1/2 or bigger iit will be plenty sturdy and when you measure your legs cut four the same length, use a chop saw if possible. The deal is, you need what they call 90's with a side outlet, for each top corner look at them you should get the picture, look at my layout for my cabinets, link from my signature, keep on smokin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dude I know you can build this! just measure twice to cut once brutha! If you google it I'm pretty sure there's youtubes of people making there own tables, whole systems and what not.


All my stands are built out of 1 1/2 abs pipe. i have black trays so i went with black pipe or else i would have used pvc. they work great i have 2 3x3 trays and 1 3x6 tray, all with abs pipe stands, bought all the stuff at homedepot along with some nice pipe cutters, the scissor type. took about 30 mins to cut,glue,build stands. They have no problem holding the weight, only thing id recommend is using a level on the legs of the stands, you need them completely square or leg will bend and flex.


41t2SXyklXL._SY300_.jpg found these on amazon now you can attach casters to the stands so they roll around nice and easy. There call PVC Caster Caps


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot.

That site is great. I was really limited in my design because Lowez didn't have 3 way connectors. I had to use 90 degree elbows and T's which made the whole thing more complicated than it had to be.

I need to get something better to cut it. I cant seem to get a clean, straight cut with my hacksaw.

I ordered eight 3 way connectors and I am going to just redo it. I like the idea of having a second support for the legs.

Youre setup looks great. I am also making a DTW drip system. Using 1/2" PVC with 1/4" drip lines. Can't find 1/4" top hat grommets anywhere though. Will have to order them. I see you have a nice irrigation system going on there. I assume you made it?

I really like building with PVC...or at least the idea of it. So versatile, lightweight, modular, mold resistant etc.

thanks again


you need a pair of the pvc cutters, you can pick them up at lowes for about 10 bucks, makes perfect cuts, and alot faster then hacksaw.
Ya i hand made everything, in the manifolds i just drilled three 1/16 holes per pot on the undernearth side of manifold and drips perfect, i used to use the 1/4 hose but didnt like the looks of hoses going everywhere and constantly getting bumped or moved, so now everything is hard piped in place, much cleaner and easier design.. Love the pvc you can do so much with it, as long as you can come up with the idea you can build it in pvc.