Built a new closet under the stairs,got sum $ to start...now wut?

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
alrite :)

thanx alot dude,im goin' out to home depot rite now to see wut i can find

but i thought the normal watt ratings for CFL's where 8W to 24W ?

if i cant find the 42W ill double up on other smaller ones to get the equvalent wattage

ps. wut do think of my floor space?How many plants do u think now that u can see it?


Well-Known Member
i would say grow about 10 seeds, and hope for 5 females, get a 400 watt hps to flower them!

that space is allot smaller than the original 8x4 !!


Well-Known Member
alrite :)

thanx alot dude,im goin' out to home depot rite now to see wut i can find

but i thought the normal watt ratings for CFL's where 8W to 24W ?

if i cant find the 42W ill double up on other smaller ones to get the equvalent wattage

ps. wut do think of my floor space?How many plants do u think now that u can see it?
It's looking like maybe 8, medium sized, plants would be comfortable there. And yes, double up on the 24w if you have to. Keep looking around though because a lot of places sell CFL's. Almost EVERY hardware stare.

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
Alrite last nite i went and got my seeds from my buddy.I decided to germinate a few just to see if they'er any good.Its fine cuz he gave me a bag of over 50 seeds.They have been sitting for 12 hours now and still nothing has happened,i didnt expect it to cuz usaually it takes 24 hrs. to 1 week for them to germinate,rigth?

If anyone knows tips on how to tell if ur seeds are good or not lemme know.

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
k im gunna post a pic of my seeds rite now,and u guys can tell me wut u think of em'

They'er pretty much all dark,iunno about tiger stripes thow.And the light coloured ones pop in my finguers i no those are no good

Ive herd that seeds can dry out and go bad over time,is this true?

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
I put the seeds in there at 4am before i went to sleep.Its 6:30pm now,so i shouldnt expect anything yet rigth?

Sorry about all the questions,im just tryin to learn as much as i can, and learn from ppl like u that know wut theyer doin'.


Well-Known Member
I put the seeds in there at 4am before i went to sleep.Its 6:30pm now,so i shouldnt expect anything yet rigth?

Sorry about all the questions,im just tryin to learn as much as i can, and learn from ppl like u that know wut theyer doin'.
East coast? Me too. Give them some more time, I'm sure they will do something by tomorrow morning.

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
I germinated my seed a few days ago.All 5 of them cracked open :)

So i got all the shit today,that i will need to start my grow operation.Gonna plant them tonite and see wut happens.

Updates and pix ASAP :D

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
these are my ligths: 3 42watt CFL bulbs

These ligts =150watts of actual power,so all together i got 450watts of power.And 7200 lummes. all together.Should this be enough ligth power?