Bull Investigation --- 'Sham'

The terms and scope of the investigation was agreed upon after the committee interviewed Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. If you want to call this a sham NOW, why wasn't it a sham then when the Democrats agreed to it? Remember, it was the Republicans who voted in favor of a week extension. They honored it based on the terms set and agreed upon by all parties. You just don't like it because it is not working in your bias favor.
Exactly. But the bozos here will say that's "fake news" lol. Disagree with these dolts and rollitup will get his panties in a bunch lol.

The part of the "sham" was Ford's self-serving testimony, with zero corroboration. Her evidence of her fabricated testimony . . . according to her, is her therapists records. Records she shared with the Washington Post, but not the judiciary committee . . . the ones she was testifying in front of.

@schuylaar, you don't know what you're talking about. It's not a HIPPA violation for the patient to release her own records. It's a violation if someone else does it without her authorization . . . like her healthcare provider. The fact you don't understand this elementary concept is not surprising. Why is she keeping what she claims backs up her phony baloney story, secret? What does she have to hide? Why provide portions of it to the media, and none of it to the committee? Because she is lying, that's why.

But, but, but . . . . HEIDI!
Exactly. But the bozos here will say that's "fake news" lol. Disagree with these dolts and rollitup will get his panties in a bunch lol.

The part of the "sham" was Ford's self-serving testimony, with zero corroboration. Her evidence of her fabricated testimony . . . according to her, is her therapists records. Records she shared with the Washington Post, but not the judiciary committee . . . the ones she was testifying in front of.

@schuylaar, you don't know what you're talking about. It's not a HIPPA violation for the patient to release her own records. It's a violation if someone else does it without her authorization . . . like her healthcare provider. The fact you don't understand this elementary concept is not surprising. Why is she keeping what she claims backs up her phony baloney story, secret? What does she have to hide? Why provide portions of it to the media, and none of it to the committee? Because she is lying, that's why.

But, but, but . . . . HEIDI!
So if the public is being kept from seeing something, it is a lie?

Does that also apply to the results of the sham investigation, retard?

You’re just not that smart, stinky
Exactly. But the bozos here will say that's "fake news" lol. Disagree with these dolts and rollitup will get his panties in a bunch lol.

The part of the "sham" was Ford's self-serving testimony, with zero corroboration. Her evidence of her fabricated testimony . . . according to her, is her therapists records. Records she shared with the Washington Post, but not the judiciary committee . . . the ones she was testifying in front of.

@schuylaar, you don't know what you're talking about. It's not a HIPPA violation for the patient to release her own records. It's a violation if someone else does it without her authorization . . . like her healthcare provider. The fact you don't understand this elementary concept is not surprising. Why is she keeping what she claims backs up her phony baloney story, secret? What does she have to hide? Why provide portions of it to the media, and none of it to the committee? Because she is lying, that's why.

But, but, but . . . . HEIDI!
You can’t talk sense into these people. They are fully invested and committed to just deny whatever it is that proves them wrong, regardless of the facts. This is what the Democrats created because it is easier to control people once they are mentally compromised.
You can’t talk sense into these people. They are fully invested and committed to just deny whatever it is that proves them wrong, regardless of the facts. This is what the Democrats created because it is easier to control people once they are mentally compromised.
Trump created a cult of character or lack there of and every vermin in our country jumped on his bandwagon...Americans are alarmed
Here's my take, the FBI is a political sellout organization and has been for years. So no surprise that their investigation is a bust. I still think it is a mistake for repubs to confirm Kavanaugh, but looks like they will. A short term win for Trump that will have longer term political implications. I'm not sure this will fire up the dem base any more than they already are, but I could see the repub political engagement level dropping after he is confirmed. So good chance the repubs lose the congress and this will lead to all sorts of soap opera drama, which I dearly love. Dems will keep investigating Kavanaugh for impeachment proceedings so Kav may not have a lifetime appointment, I actually think repub senators would flip on him if Ford's story is corroborated and congress impeaches.

Both sides were hysterical in creating storylines to hide the fact that the dems were stalling and the repubs needed to fill the seat before midterms. Brilliant politics by the dems to delay as long as they did, and their lack of concern for Dr. Ford's welfare was breathtaking. Dr. Ford loses some credibility for not making her only source of half-assed corroboration available to the judiciary panel, but hard to flat out call her a liar. Glad this was high school shit and nobody was actually raped, but I do feel for her being scared to death.
Just want to point out Kavenaugh was the presiding judge who determined nsa warrantless surveillance of us citizens in the us doesn't violate the 4th amendment. He also was part of the bush White House legal team that authorized torture.
So if you are a Kavenaugh supporter, you are functionally anti constitutional law and pro torture. Technically I d even go so far as to say that it makes you an enemy of the Constitution and every veteran is obligated by oath, to fight you. Crazy times.
Only three votes are needed to flip to stop this nomination. One of the revelations of last week's hearing was how partisan and unstable Kavanaugh is. The discussion is moving away from "he-said, she-said" to the behavior and bad temperament shown by Kavanaugh during the hearing. Some are asking why Kavanaugh wrote the unprecedented op-ed that was published by the Wall Street Journal? At least a few are reading into this that it is damage control and that the votes to confirm Kavanaugh are not in the bag.

"If Kavanaugh is putting out an OP Ed in the Wall Street Journal defending his temperament and he has a President who nominated him who has no value when it comes to temperament, that's an issue"

we'll find out this was part of the plan. I think it is an indication, Anderson, that perhaps they are a little more concerned about this vote than what we previously thought. We thought earlier today they were very optimistic about this vote.

When you have a retired Supreme Court Justice like John Paul Stevens putting out a statement like he did earlier today, which essentially says he doesn't know where things stand in terms of the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh, but based on his performance at that hearing, which is lot of people on both sides of the aisle, people feel that judge Kavanaugh lost his cool and did not display the kind of judicial temperament one expects from a Supreme Court Justice.

You can’t talk sense into these people. They are fully invested and committed to just deny whatever it is that proves them wrong, regardless of the facts. This is what the Democrats created because it is easier to control people once they are mentally compromised.

A right winger is claiming to have facts on his side.

The "investigation" was a cover-up ordered by the White House.

Facts are unimportant to your kind.