Bulletproof Glass Collection

here they are.....


this is what i decided on.. it looks a lot cooler in real life.. hard to get a pic of it without a glare cause its soo shiney...


too late.. already shipped. will be there tues or wed it was only 2$ to ship so you got a 3$ credit..

wanted to ship it before the holiday.
too late.. already shipped. will be there tues or wed it was only 2$ to ship so you got a 3$ credit..

wanted to ship it before the holiday.

Yeah thank you for that. Glad it got out before labor day. It looks really cool :) Very unique dude, perfect. It will look great on my piece... I will use it to clean my piece and then post pics of it all on here ;)

Thanks so much!
That will work for now. :)

I was thinking about a new 18mm slide, but dont have any good ideas.

Do you have any oil domes made up ?
Guess what Mike.... your dabber and oil pipe look bad ass. .. I'm jelouse ;).

Also. I got an idea for your slide. . . .
Some hot photos. Kinda blurry... little shakey when photoing.


.. ill get better pics when I pull em outta the kiln..
Thats awesome. :) That dabber is really nice !

lol, cant wait to see more

edit/ That spoon is sick ! Ive been peekin' at it all night. Love the bowl area.
Just Awesome ! :)

I did look at this dish and wonder where the 'slots' were to set the dabber on it. I like how you switched that up a little. Kinda reminds me of a syringe too, I like it !

IF you have any of those glass on glass extractors. I might grab one of those too, haha ! You seem pretty booked. So just if you have some made up already.

Thanks !
Looking nice dank. After harvest ill prolly take you up on the lessons. Also interested in a bho extractor.
Wow your really good at requests props man. I would imagine that's the most difficult thing. Trying to do what people want, while putting your own artistic flare in there :)

That light blue, the color on the oil hole in the dome, RIGHT next to the black & white wig wag..... what color rod is that?

It reminds me of the ocean or the sky, and I would love a simple dish that color.

*brainstorming* like that blue solid everywhere with white/grey wig wags like clouds on top? :)

or something that makes it look more like waves