Bulletproof Glass Collection


Active Member
Mindless debate, rather bickering, chill out Snuden, you're representing your company rather poorly.

Back to glass...
What is this Trifecta you speak of?


Well-Known Member
It hold two or three joints at once so you can smoke them all the same time. Like a glass cross joint. Or cross two different joints and get both flavors.


Well-Known Member
Snuden, is business that slow that you have time to be acting like an ass hat on another persons thread? Seriously. If I were considering ordering anything from you, I sure as hell wouldn't now after reading this nonsense.

Research Kitty .... of all the bullshit being spewed by snuden on Danks thread, the only thing you find worth while pointing out is something about danks glass? Aren't you a mod? Is your job to keep the trolls under control, or to throw out petty digs at someone you don't like?


Well-Known Member
The 50-60 posts like 5-10 were mine I wasn't even in on most of the conversation. You have already told me you were gonna get me banned numerous times. I deleted it because it was trolling and hijacking. That's what I'm supposed to do. When people start debating Chinese glass in my thread I have the right to delete it. I just got rid of all of it because it was negative vibes and not good for anyone. I told them to take it all to the Chinese vs domestic thread. Move it all there if you want to be able to read it. I don't care. I wasn't hiding anything just didn't want the clutter in my thread. He shouldn't come into an American thread and diss the glass if he doesn't want actions.


Well-Known Member
Several corrections;

1. China is driven by capitalism.
2. I did not know this was an American forum
3. I pay some taxes....obviously I pay the right people as much as I can to avoid the taxes. RxxR and ExxE replicas are however 100% in my pocket. :)
4. I have 8 'artists' working. We dont mess around with small time orders, we produce bongs to a hungry US market. Roughly 600 a day, depending on the 'difficulty'
5. Actually, I do care about my workers. A lot. They put butter on my bread.
They put butter on your bread, huh?

Did it ever occur to you that you'd have no "bread" to butter if it weren't for the western consumer? Making smart ass remarks towards your potential clientele is beyond stupid. Your mouth is costing you money. No wonder you have to employ slave labor to turn a profit.


Well-Known Member
If only you could see the 50-60 deleted posts in the thread....... People coming into it now have no idea...........
I did see them. My comment was one of the 50-60 to get deleted. That changes nothing. You have someone bad mouthing America on an Americans glass blowing thread, purposely trying to stir the pot, and you as a mod find it appropriate to ignore the instigator and throw a dig at someone else.

Was the "cough cough" you choking on a fortune cookie?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
/\ this is why I politely refused the position of a moderator when the opportunity was basically handed to me. I love this forum, and I love the people but it sucks when you have to the be "cop" to keep order.


Well-Known Member
I did it because he never mentioned the crack when I asked how it arrived.

Does anybody else think its a bitch move to get something in the mail, tell the seller it arrived safe, thanks, were friends now, then a month later publically go into his thread and post lies about how it was cracked when he got it? I think that qualifies as a bitch move...

And research kitty, please note WHO deleted the 85 posts. That's not my name by it.. please tell everyone who's name is under your deleted post... WHO???


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to inform people but research kitty is making it so nobody can sell/buy glass on riu anymore. He has been told to move on, but is persistent on constantly complaining like a baby about a contest that ended and it took 3 months for them to get the prize, but they got them. And gastanker, if something cracked in shipping why didn't you mention it when you said you got it. You only said you didn't know it said your name on it. Nothing about it having something wrong with it. I would have sent you another if you would have even mentioned it to me.instead you act immature and start posting shit about me sending a cracked item. That is bullshit. That is intentionally looking for something to complain about. A normal human would have told me it cracked and I would have sent them another one.
Research- all this harrassment and slander and saying my glass is garbage is making you look bad. Not me. I have taken care of all my customers. I've sent multiple people free things. All my customers are happy. And you calling my glass janky is funny to me. Looking at all of your glass is purely entertainment for me. Everything is so ripped off it isn't even funny. I seen those exact mushroom pipes in multiple stores. Try and do at least one thing on your own or you are gonna go nowhere. Those monster domes are perfect. 42* a very high end glass store loved them and bought all of them.

So um sorry, but when its announced that glass isn't allowed to be sold anymore its because research kitty won't stop dwelling on one had transaction. Not multiple like he/she claims. Rolli warned him that if he doesn't stop posting rediculous things and dwelling on something from months ago its gonna end. I don't blame him. This is childish bickering. Fucking get over it. I did nothing wrong. I'm being held responsible because glass crackes and he doesn't even mention it? I asked him about it after he got it and he didn't say anything about a crack. Wtf???


Well-Known Member
Gastanker, I have a question. How come when I asked if your item arrived safely this was your response?

Gastanker said:
dankshizzle said:
Gastanker said:
dankshizzle said:
Did it arrive safely?
Arrived today. Thank you. I like the personalization, didn't realize that from the pictures. The pendant is very nice as well - kind of wish it was attached to the dome :)
happy 420 :) hope were good. No hard feelings. You seem like a good guy. My bad for the delay.
Thanks, that's good to hear. We're good; no hard feelings. Hope today is going well for you too.
Even a fucking smiley face??? Wtf? So you send me a smiley face then a month later unleash that I ripped you off and sent you a cracked item? Is it because you wanted to save it to bitch about later? Seriously what the fuck? Did it crack after you wrote that?? Was the suprised pendant janky? You didn't post that. Only the cracked thing you told me arrived safely. So when you say i deleted it because I didn't like it, I deleted it because its bullshit. Last I knew it arrived safe a crack free.


Well-Known Member
Well, I received some glass from Dan right on time. 4 really kick ass pieces, with another one on the way. I will post up some pics when I get a chance. Awesome stuff!

Thanks Dan!